Chapter 8: Fairies, Fairies, Fairies

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Jane wakes up to her mother's voice. She's trying and failing at whispering. Jane can't hear who she's talking to but it must be important considering the sun isn't even up yet. Jane tries to go back to sleep but can't. Why would her mother have someone over this early? Why didn't she tell Jane about it? Are her lessons being put on hold while her mother handles her affairs?

Jane finally can't take it and gets out of her bed. She tries to be as quiet as she can while making her way towards the door. She slowly pulls it open. To her shock the hallway in her house is gone replaced by a courtroom. Her mother is standing in front of the fairy counsel. Jane is surprised to find; Aurora, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather also attending this secret meeting. What's going on?

It takes Jane too long to realize the room has gone quiet. She looks over at her mother and is surprised by the horror on her face. Her mother slowly approaches her and wraps her arms around Jane. Her mother looks ready to cry, that look puts Jane on edge.

"I'm so sorry my sweet Jane." Her mother mumbles into Jane's hair.

"What? Why? What's going on?" Jane is starting to fully panic.

"I'm afraid you must leave-" Her mother isn't making any sense.

"Leave? Leave where?" Jane is trying not to start screaming.

"Jane listen to me." Her mother's stern voice brings Jane back to reality.

"Okay, okay. Say what you have to say." Jane wishes she where dreaming.

"You must leave with Audrey-" The princess?

"Audrey?" What's going on? Jane can't do this.

"Jane! You must leave with princess Audrey and you must keep her safe and hidden!" Her mother practically yells in Jane's face.

"Safe and hidden? I haven't finished my training yet." Jane can't even keep herself safe let alone a spoiled princess.

"Jane! I need you to do this for me! For the kingdom!" Her mother is shaking.

"What am I hiding her from." Jane wonders if she can actually do it. It's still a definite no.

"I cannot tell you, if I do you will think about her and she will come for you." Her mother says cryptically.

All Jane can do is nod. Minute later she's being dragged to a random room and is told to undress. She blushes but does what she's told. She's handed; a pair of white breeches, a navy blue shirt, and pair of black boots. She handed a bag full of food and supplies they'll need.

An hour later she's being dragged through a secret underground tunnel by one of the royal knights. Jane can't believe she's been dragged into this mess. A mess she doesn't understand, at all. Her mother knows Jane isn't ready. Jane can't wrap her head around it. If she fails what will become of her. She'll never be able to face her mother again, well, if she survives.

Once out of the tunnel they make their way towards a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. It was unusually quiet, just the sound of their footsteps. Jane instantly becomes nervous, this could be some sort of trap. Had this knight betrayed the royal family? She's getting ready to run when the cabin's door opens to reveal one of the princess's personal guard. Jane relaxes as she's lead inside. She immediately tense up again when she hears screaming from one of the rooms. She looks towards the guards but they don't even react to it.

"No! I can't believe this! I'm supposed to be attending a royal ball tonight not running off with a servant!" Jane recognizes the voice, princess Audrey.

"It's for you safety." She can't place the second voice, it must be someone she hasn't met.

"Ha! My safety, the castle is safe enough! My father is just trying to punish me for breaking that stupid vase." Jane makes a note in her head to ask about the vase later.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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