Chapter Twenty Six

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A/N: Hey y'all, I know I posted a chapter yesterday but I also got another chapter done yesterday so I'm just deciding to post this. Anyway happy reading. Don't forget to vote and comment what you thought.

TW: Mentions of sexual stuff.

Hayley POV:

The four of us split up. Me and Harry went together and Ron and Hermione went together. While we were running up the stairs there was a lot of students panicking and running all over the place. Before we splat up, Ron and Hermione told me and Harry that they were going to the chamber of secrets to get the teeth from the Basilisk to destroy the rest of the horcruxes.

After a while Harry told me to go down and help the others protect the school and that is what I did since he was with Luna to find the crown. I seen Neville and McGonagall talking so I decided to walk over to them.

"Let me get this straight professor you're actually giving us permission to do this?" Neville questioned.

"That is correct Longbottom." McGonagall stated.

"To blow it up, boom." Neville replied.

"Boom." She shouted which caused me to smile. Obviously McGonagall was being serious she never makes jokes.

"Wicked." Neville smiled. "How on earth are we going to do that."

"Ask Mr Finnegan, I'm sure it's his level of expertise."

"Yes is it Professor." Seamus replied and they both walked off.

"Is there anything I can do professor?" I questioned.

"Yes Miss Riddle, help the other teachers put up the doom, I'm sure you know the spell." McGonagall looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes professor." I walked over to a spot where no one was and I said the spell along with the other teachers and the dome came over our heads and it was complete.

Draco POV:

The battle has started and I heard from someone that the Slytherins were locked in the dungeons on orders from Professor McGonagall. I don't understand why Hayley looks up to her so much. It's quite weird.

I did a spell that blew up the door to the dungeon that they were locked in to break them out. I apperated into a crowd of Slytherins running out of the dungeons and I grabbed Goyle and Blaise by the back of their necks and pulled them out of the crowd.

"What the fuck Malfoy?" Blaise snapped.

"I'd watch your tone Blaise as I just released you from the Dungeon." I spat back at him while taking my mother's wand out of my blazer.

"Thank you Malfoy, I'm forever grateful." Goyle joked as he rolled his eyes.

"You two are so ungrateful, I'll just put you back in a dungeon but this time I'll magic you both to Azkaban and you'll be there." I shouted which caused them to widen their eyes. "That's what I thought. Now come with me." I demanded then rushed off hoping they are behind me.

Hayley POV:

I found harry running along a corridor heading towards the room of requirements so I decided to run up to him and run with him to wherever he is going. We stopped when we got to a wall. That wall to the room of requirements. I knew it far to well as I went there a few times with Draco last year. I miss Draco. I know it's been a day since I last saw him but still. I want to know that he is ok.

We stood at the wall for a few moments then a door appeared and we walked threw it. I looked around the room. It is a lot bigger than I remember.

"What are we looking for?" I whispered.

"A crown with blue diamonds." Harry whispered back.

I walked to the other side of the room to look for the crown but I couldn't seem to find it. I was near a wall and the only thing I could imagine was being pinned against that wall by the boy I love. All of a sudden, my eyes were blackened, something was covering them. Someone pushed me against the wall, removed their hands from covering my eyes and quickly wrapped their hand around my neck. It was him. The boy I was imagining pinning me against this very wall.

"Surprised?" Draco questioned.

"No." I lied while smiling.

"The way you reacted when you seen it was me says otherwise." He smiled at me.

"Fine, your right I am surprised." I rolled my eyes.

Draco tighten his grip on my throat. "Roll your eyes at me again and I will punish you."

"I might just roll my eyes to get punished Mr Malfoy." I said in an innocent tone.

"Fuck this." Draco realised his grip and crashed his lip against mine.

Draco's tongue entered my mouth and was exploring it like a miner explores a cave. His lips felt nice against mine. I missed him. I missed him so much. His lips moved from mine to my neck and he kissed my neck aggressively. My hands traveled along his back. It didn't feel as good as he was wearing clothes but considering Harry is in the room with us I don't want him to see Draco shirtless.

"Hayley have you found it yet." Harry shouted. While he said that me and Draco broke apart.

"No I haven't found it yet." I replied back while shouting and looking into Draco's eyes.

"Never mind I found it." Harry shouted again, and with that Draco walked away and left me.

A few minutes later, I heard voices. I walked over to where it was coming from.

"Well, fancy seeing you here Potter." Draco stated.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" Harry questioned.

"You have something of mine, I want it back." Draco replied while holding out his mother's wand and pointing it at harry.

"What is wrong with the one you have," Harry asked.

"It doesn't quite... understand me. You know what I mean." Draco looked directly over to where I was standing which caused me to walk out from where I was.

After I walked out I hear a voice behind me shooting a spell. It was Ron. Draco, Blaise and Goyle ran away but Ron chased them. He's an idiot. A few minutes later he came running from the direction he went in and there was a light. It was fire. Me, Harry, Hermione and Ron all found our ways to a broom and we began to fly out of the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Goyle falling into the flame. Awk. Actually I don't care he was an ass to me. I then see Draco and Blaise standing on top of a pile of objects.

"We have to help them." I shouted and flew back.

"Wait." Harry shouted back as he then followed me.

He grabbed Blaise and I grabbed Draco. When Draco got onto my broom and wrapped his arms around my waist which caused me to smile. "Thank you." He whispered into my ear and began kissing the back of my neck. We flew out of the room and the door closed before the flame could consume us.

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