The End

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Well...if anyone's reading this, know that this is it. I may come here every once and a while, but if you've taken a look around this place, you know that it's time. This roleplay can be compared to a train- over the years, while I conducted it, many wonderful people hopped on and off. Some were there at the beginning, some at the end, and some for the whole ride. But this beast of machinery, that once sped endlessly along the tracks, has finally come to a stop. I met incredible people here. If you knew me and see this, know that you changed my life for the better. Hah, I even mentioned this place on my college entrance essay!

It may make my heart ache to say goodbye, but it is the simple truth. If I could, I'd have this place go on forever. At one point in the past, I thought that I might. But that's not life, is it? Almost four years ago, I opened this book on this website and expected nothing to come out if it, but I was wrong. I was 13 then, and I turn 18 this summer.

Would you like to know what the best part was? It wasn't the views, or being well-known for a spell. (Though those were both great too). It was when I'd see people roleplaying, making friends, art, and just growing together. The best part was knowing that I was part of the reason that was able to happen; that these wonderful kids were happier because of something I'd done. Maybe I'd given them something to dream about. Because of everyone who came here, this book grew to become the largest and most successful Warriors roleplay ever. What a feat.

I suppose that I should wrap this up. If you are a newcomer, who's looking through this and don't know me, then I'm sorry that you couldn't be a part of this roleplay in its heyday. Trust me, it was incredible. If you are an old roleplayer from here, an old friend or acquaintance who wanted to see what was left, I'm free to talk if you want to. I have info on how to contact me on my Wattpad 'Conversations' page. I'm always open for reconnection, even if it's been years.
For the final time, goodbye. This was a ride I'll never forget. Stay safe, be happy, and don't be afraid to dream big. I love you all.


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