BrambleClan Territory RP

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This strong Clan's hunting grounds are filled with shady forests full of oak, birch, and spruce trees, along with the occasional pine cluster and willow grove. The ground is full of dense undergrowth, save the places where you can find water, like the pond called Many Shores, and the brook that branches off from BrightClan's river.

There are two places where apprentices are trained- the open grass around Many Shores, and near camp, under the shade of a large birch tree named the Fighting Tree. There is also a rarely gone-to meadow right outside of BrambleClan territory, which is named 'Brokensong's Meadow' after a warrior who was buried there moons before.

*The art in the media box is by RiverSpirit456 on Deviantart.

*The credit for the name 'Brokensong's Meadow' goes to Fruit_Spice.

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