Chapter 14: Do What You Must

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After defeating Sherry, Lucy was found by Erza at the beach.

Lucy: Erza!

Erza silently gives her a deadly glare.

Lucy: ... -San *sweats nervously*(Oh yeah... We broke the rules and went on an S-class job without permission...)

Erza: Lucy, you know why I'm here, don't you?

Lucy: ...o-o... To take us back... Ain't that right?

Suddenly, Happy appears flying.

Happy: Lucy! Thank goodness!

Happy notices Erza and tries to fly away as far as possible, but Erza grabbed him by the tail.

Erza: Where is Natsu?

Lucy: Please, listen! We apologize for going without permission, but this island is in real trouble! There are guys who are trying to resurrect a demon trapped in ice, and the people of the village are suffering thanks to that spell. Anyway, it's a big problem! We want to save this village somehow...

Erza remained her serious expression.

Erza: I do not care.

Lucy: T-Then at least let us finish the job!

Erza points her sword at Lucy.

Erza: You're mistaken, Lucy. You have betrayed the master. *deadly glare* Do not think you can get away from this unscathed.

Lucy: (She's scary!)


The villagers were at a refugee, Gray was laying down on a bed recovering from his injuries. Until he wakes and gets up.

Gray: Where am I?

Gray gets out of the tent and looks around, until a girl approaches her.

Girl: Thank goodness! You're awake.

Gray: Where is this?

Girl: This is a storage area a bit removed from the village. The village was destroyed last night, so everyone took refuge here.

Gray: The village is gone?

Gray remembered something.


Reitei: Destroy the village.

(Flashback ends)

Gray: (Lyon, you bastard... You actually went and did it?)

Gray starts feeling pain on his chest.

Girl: But thanks to Lucy-san, Natsu-san and Raiga-san, no one was injured, so we have to at least be glad for that.

Gray: Are they also here?

Girl: Yes. They asked us to direct you to their tent when you woke up.

Gray: I see.

The girl points at a direction.

Girl: They're waiting in that big tent.

Gray enters the big tent, only to find an angry Erza with a tied up Lucy and Happy next to her.

Erza: You're late, Gray.

Gray: Erza!? Lucy, Happy?

Erza: I've heard what happened from Lucy. Weren't you and Raiga supposed to be stopping Natsu? I'm speechless.

Gray: Where's Natsu and Raiga?

Erza: That's what I'd like to know.

Lucy: They should have been in the village fighting Reitei's lackeys, but when we went to check, there was no one there. I figured those two would be okay, and Erza told me to take her where you were, Gray.

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