Chapter 98: Dawn on Tenrou Island

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Hades: Send everything to the pits of darkness! FAIRY TAIL, YOUR SUN HAS SET!!!

Hades summoned a barrage of magic waves from behind him and a large explosion followed, a huge pile of smoke billowing from the top of the ship. The roof was completely shattered to bits, and through the smoke, everyone saw that Natsu had landed a direct blow on Hades' face, sending him flying far back. Natsu's scarf flew off of his neck and would have floated off the ship if Lucy hadn't caught it.

Hades: I-Impossible! The Hidden Magic didn't work!? Unfathomable! My magic is...

Hades covered his bright red eye, and when he uncovered it, it was back to being a normal eye.

Hades: (They couldn't have...!?)

Natsu ran up to Hades and uppercut him in the chin, sending him flying upwards. Somewhere in the ship, the Exceeds found and destroyed the Devil's Heart, which is the secret to his incredible magic and longevity.

Hades: (My heart!)

Following this, the monsters of Hades creating all cracked and crumbled away. The ground then began to shake again.

Erza: What? The earth devils are...

Gray: They're disappearing!

Raiga: Wait, is it me, or is Hades's power growing weaker?

Fuuwa: It's not you.

The ground then suddenly began to shake again.

Wendy: Huh?

Lucy: What's the matter, Wendy?

Fuuwa: Everyone, look!

Gray: That's...

Fuuwa pointed towards the center of the island and everyone looked and saw the Tenrou Tree restored to it's original state, as if it were never touched in the first place. 

Wendy: Tenrou Island...

Lucy: It's returning to normal!

Raiga: But how?

At the island, Ultear had used her magic power to restore the tree.

Ultear: I've been given a new lease on life.

Suddenly, everyone who had the emblem of Fairy Tail on them had their mark glow the respective color their Guild Mark was. 

Lucy: Huh? This is...

Wendy: Our marks are shining!

Erza: Our magic power is returning...

Gray: It's back!

Fuuwa: The Tenrou Tree grants protection to anyone who bears the Fairy Tail mark.

Raiga: Alright! Enough break time!

Raiga tried to get up again and he was able to. He quickly leaped up from the pit to join the others.

Fuuwa: Raiga, don't push yourself! You're still injured!

Wendy: Let me heal your arm while we have the chance!

Hades: (I... Yes, even I... have lost to Makarov?)

Natsu: We win!!

Natsu charged at Hades and was about to attack, but Hades moved in to intercept and counter with a series of melee attacks.

Hades: Listen up! For those who have walked the path of magic, the devil will never sleep!

Hades noticed a shadow out of the corner of his eye, turned to find Laxus, who quickly punched Hades and knocked him back.

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