Chapter 91: Dead-End of Despair

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Loke had managed to defeat Capricorn of the Seven Kin, who turned out to be possessed by Zoldeo, a former servant of Layla Heartfilia. After Zoldeo's defeat, Capricorn promised to lend his strength to his new master Lucy, then he and Loke returned to the Spirit World.

Lucy figured out the location of Mavis's grave, but Cana put her to sleep for whatever reason. After being separated, Lucy was thrown into a battle with Kain from the Seven Kin. Lucy had a hard time as Kain was able to overpower all of her Spirits thanks to his Curse Magic, but after reuniting with Natsu and Happy, they managed to defeat him.

After the battle, Lucy and Happy try to pull Natsu out of some crushing boulders.

Natsu: Pull harder!

Lucy: I'm pulling as hard as I can!

Happy: Aye! And wait... Can't you just break the rocks with your fire, Natsu?

Natsu: Good thinking!

Happy/Lucy: Jeez...


With Erza and Juvia, Meredy had summoned magical blades around her.

Juvia: Magic blades?

Erza: She can summon weapons as well?

Meredy: Go.

The young girl fires her blades at them, forcing them to dodge.

Juvia: Juvia's body is made of water! No matter the attack, Juvia will not...

But to their surprise, Meredy's blades manage to hit and even make Juvia bleed.

Erza: Juvia!

Juvia: (Juvia's body made of water... was injured?)

Meredy: My blades attack the sense of pain directly. In other words, they are "sensory blades".

Juvia: That magic power...

Erza: I see. You must be one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory.

Meredy: I do not deem answering that as necessary. Wipe out the enemy. That is my mission.


Wendy, Panther Lily and Carla are looking after Makarov while Fuuwa sat down and kept on the lookout.

Lily: Fuuwa, what do you think our chances are against Grimoire Heart?

Fuuwa: I'm a realist. Our Master couldn't defeat theirs, so things aren't looking well for us.

Lily: I see.

Fuuwa: But thinking negatively won't get us anywhere. As soon as Master wakes up, we should ask him about Hades and his magic. If we can learn something about him, we might be able to come up with a strategy to defeat him.

Natsu: Wendy!

Natsu came back along with Lucy, but both were covered in injuries. Happy appeared soon after.

Wendy: Natsu-san! Lucy-san, too!

Fuuwa's the first one to notice their injuries.

Fuuwa: What happened to you guys?

Happy: We just defeated a member of the Seven Kin!

Natsu: It was some fat guy! Umm... What was his name? Crane?

Happy: Not quite.

Fuuwa: I see... Lucy, where's Cana? 

Lucy: I don't know... I suddenly fell asleep and when I woke up, that Grimoire Heart guy was about to stomp me.

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