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He sees the child sitting on a rock playing with sea urchins. it was as if he spoke with them, but the soldier did not put much reasoning into it as he was loosing breath.
he grabs the boy and swims up for air.
finally he reaches the top and the smell of fresh air envelopes him.
he raises the young boy up for air thinking he might be in a bad need of it.

With the help of the other soldiers they get into the ship but no sooner had they gotten in when something strange happens.

Something too strange to behold. creatures of the sea began showing forth their selves, seen and unseen, known and untold of, great and little.
creatures so strange you could barely open your eyes to behold.

the creatures began getting closer to the ship nearer and nearer as seconds go by. This frightened the soldiers so much they all ran away from the top into their cabins. only the bravest decided to peep through closed curtains behind their windows.

  after being close enough the creatures all made obeisance after which, the oceans became chaotic as they jumped and trumpeted and clicked and made all kind of moves limited to their physique, in celebration of the child's arrival.

none of the soldiers were happy about the boy the kind soldier had brought. After witnessing what had just happened, they kept calling the child cursed.

throughout their sail thunderstorms and dolphins kept following the ship trails. which gave the soldiers fright and terror, although nothing bad happened to their ship, and nothing dared happen as long as that child was in that ship.

The soldier who saved the boy protected the child to the end as the others on the ship weren't all that happy with the child being with them.

finally the ship arrived at Virginia along with other ships, and soldiers brought in their spoil and souvenirs along with their luggage.

This is my second novel and all I want from you readers is support  pls keep supporting me

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