chapter nine; "put in your title"

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As Tinawa prepares to go home, he remembers the clouds. something's wrong he just knew it.

He walked home alone.  feeling uneasy.

At home he rushes up to his room and after taking a shower, Tinawa felt a little bit refreshed.

he walks up to his bed and flings himself cruising on the soft bouncy foam. he closes his eyes and falls asleep.

He wakes up to some whispers which kept penetrating his ears.

Stubbornly, he rubs his eyes and walks up to his window sill.

With mouth wide opens he yawns, opens the window letting in a gush of cool wind.

its already past midnight and the moon was in its full form shining brighter than ever.
The whistles and creepy noses of the night filled the whole place.

He hears the whispers again and this time it sends chills down his spines. He didn't want to believe that he had been hearing whispers.

Still doubting it, he puts his finger into his ear trying to clear debris.

The whispers came again this time clearer and louder.

"Tinawa the time has come for you to acknowledge your..."

It fades away not completing the sentence.

This time Tinawa didn't doubt he heard his name clearly. his eyes awoken terrified. he shuts his window leaving the curtains opened so he could see what was talking to him.

The sky although dark kept part of its blueish scenes which took no artistic liberties under the bright moonlight.

The world around him slowly begins to change as he watches his whole room slowly turning into a jungle.

Jungle sounds fill his ears as creatures of the night creates their sound mix.

He takes a look around admiring the scene in fear.
He notices some banana leaves covering a small part of the jungle and instinct pushed him to go there.

He walks toward the leaves and opens it.
The whole world seemed to change

As instead of the moon light, he could see bright sunlight.

A huge number of creatures lined up as if waiting for a leader.
This gave him so much amazement that he couldn't stop the smile slowly growing on his face.

As he takes more steps forward into the beach, the whole animals and creatures began celebrating and rejoicing stamping their feet's and jumping high making all manner of acrobatic moves limited to their physique.

The scene was just too beautiful.
He kept walking forward until he reaches the oceans. The waters gave him way to walk on dry land allowing him to see the beauty and wonders of the ocean like an aquarium.

With each step he took, the ocean divided further. then he stopped, noticing a beautiful dolphin swimming straight to him from the middle of the path the ocean had divided. The dolphin covered with gold and blue green stripes which shone as sunlight dissipating through the water touches the dolphin.

The dolphin made some clicks and whistles which Tinawa did not understand.

Tinawa took a brave step to the dolphin. The dolphin made some whistles again but this time it was different

"Welcome back Master" 

Tinawa understands it well.

I'm Kera your right hand man or your P.A 

Tinawa kept silent.

Why don't you come into the waters. Kera invited.

Tinawa looked at the blue sparkling water and the few droplets that came out of the divided ocean.

He walks and enter the water.

The dolphin smiles

Tinawa is shocked to find out he isn't drowning

How's this possible he asks

Its because you're supernatural you're a god.

My reads clocked 100 yesterday thank you all readers for supporting me I promise to bring out my best in this story..

So you comment the title you want and I'll make it the title.

Here the game starts.......

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