chapter 14 ; Namquaria goddess of water.

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Tinawa wakes up feeling refreshed. An unexplainable joy was bustling in his heart.
He felt watery, wet.

He closed his eyes again and opens it. He could sense water it was like a whole new sense has been genetically constructed to feel water.

He could sense water far and near he could determine the weight of water present at any given position and point he could see water vapour
The way he sees the world changed a lot.

Wow he says to himself.
Remembering his training session with kera last night.

This feels like a dream I've got to test this out. He says rushing to his bathroom.

He turns on the shower without even taking his clothes off.
The droplets of water pours down on him and he could feel them coming nearer to his skin it was like the whole world was in slo-mo.

The water droplets drops on his skin and bounces off falling downwards to the ground.

He looks closely at the waters pouring down and imagined it stop.
The waters immediately stops in mid air
WOW! He screamed this is just too cool.

He tries freezing the water droplets, it freezes.
He tries shaping the ice into tiny crystals and it did.
With just his mind he tries pushing the icy crystals away from the shower stand.
The icy crystals moved away slowly as it makes clinking sounds.
He tries combining them into one huge perfect crystal cube and the ice slowly melted back together following his imaginations frame by frame.
He looks at the wonderful ice cube.

Tinawa! You'll be late for classes, His dad shouted.

Oh yeah! He says remembering his still in the bathroom

He hurriedly takes a shower, dresses up and goes down to have breakfast with them.


That was so good The witch doctor said to Bermuda smiling.
I knew all this training will make for something one day.

Hey my friend. Someone says

Bermuda turns around looking for who called him.

The witch doctor looked at him confused

Who are you? he asked, his body marks glowing fiery yellow.

The witch doctor immediately took up his staff being alarmed.

It's me the fairy you saved. no cause for alarm. The fairy says appearing
I'm Allete.

Bermuda frowns.

Can I speak to you for a while. The fairy requested. She struggles, flapping her injured wings together.

go on, Bermuda says, walking towards her.

I... uhm.. the fairy stammered unsure of how to put together her thoughts.
The marks on your body I recognize them. She continued

Bermuda eyes opens wide.

My father she replies.
He once worked for namquaria the goddess of water.
he taught me a lot about the gods and goddess their kind and differences.

He told me about the marks of victory imprinted on the skins of gods and goddesses after their victory in a war.
He told me about....

What do you want? Bermuda cuts her sharply.

Okay. She said changing the topic
I came here to seek help for my people the Fairies we're facing threats from the humans.

and... Bermuda says nonchalantly.

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