Getting to know one another.

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  Robbie also decided to go out in town to find something to do because he was getting lonley all by himself in that bunker full of wires and devices that he didn't use anymore becouse he had no interest in hurting Sportacus any longer.

   While walking to the icecream stand he saw Sportacus playing with the kids and rememberd his dream. Sportacus saw him and waved while smirking in a flirty way. His face went red and got a shortness of breath at the memory of Sportacus kissing his neck and also at the fact that he waved  at him. He sped up so he wouldn't see him like this.

  Sportacus observed the redness in his face and smiled to himself at the thought of makining Robbie lose himself all because he waved at him. What he didn't know was that Robbies dream also played a part in that.

   Stephanie noticed for a while now how Robbie and her friend looked at each other but she didn't tell anybody about her suspicion of  them liking one another, so she finally decided to confront Sportacus about it.

-I noticed the way you and Robbie are not enemys anymore.

-Yeah i too noticed that he doesn't try to get rid of me anymore with his crazy traps.

-I wonder what caused him to have a change of heart and leave you alone.

-Me too but i dont care what made him do it , i like this version of Robbie, i think that we could even become friends.

- Exept you would like to be more than friends, wouldn't you Sortacus?

-What? Stephanie thats crazy...

-Aw cmmon Sportacus you know you can tell me.

-..Fine, i do. I have had these thoughts for a while now, and i don't know what has gotten into me, i just can't keep my mind off of him, but..please let this be our secret...just for now, ok?

   Robbie was sitting on a bench with his 3 scoop ice cream while enjoying the day, something that he hasn't done in a while.
Sportacus mustered the courage to go and sit next to him. They slowly started talking and enjoying each others company. They talked and talked and didn't even notice how the time passed. Robbie even forgot about his dream and was surprised at how he could mentain conversations with his crush. They were starting to get comfortable with each other when all of a sudden the cristal on Sportacuses chest started lighting up and knew that he had to go. But before he left he told Robbie that he enjoyed the time they spent together. After he left in a rush Robbie was smileing like an idiot at the fact that he got to spend time together with Sprtacus, then he got up and left as well.

Sportacus x Robbie (NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now