Welcome to Earth

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Raven woke with a start. Bleary eyed she flailed, undignified for a moment as she untangled herself from the bed coverings.

In the seconds it took for her to sit up she had registered that something was wrong. She had only been in this place for a few short weeks, but in all that time she had never heard so much screaming and yelling. Panic and fear assaulted her senses in such magnitude that she could almost believe she were back home.

"Please princess," shouted a panicked voice from the doorway. "The church is under attack. We have to get you to safe..."

A heavy thud made Raven pause in her hasty dressing. Whipping her head around she saw the woman lying prone, half in the room.

In the next instant a dark figure was blocking the light from the hallway.

Before Raven could even register his presence, she found herself on the ground, face pressed against the floor, with the weight of a fully grown man pressed into her back. She sneezed and then sneezed again, hard. What was that? Dust?

Instantly, her head began to swim. She felt oddly disconnected from her body and she seemed unable to form coherent thought.

She had no idea how long this lasted for; she barely remembered anything of the next ... however long it was. All she knew is that when she was next able to take in her surroundings with a clear, if throbbing, head, Raven found herself staring at a man dressed in black.

Or at least, she thought it was a man. He had on a cloak that ended in ragged edges and an elongated head with sharp ears pointing straight up. She didn't quite know why, but Raven found him intimidating – and she had grown up surrounded by the foulest of demonkind.

"Do you know me, witch?"

His voice came out in a deep growl that made Raven flinch.

She shook her head mutely, before berating herself for her cowardice; she was a demon, the daughter of Trigon the Terrible, she could rip this mortal in half without a thought!

"No," she said, without fear. "Should I?"

The man's eyes – white voids in the sea of black – narrowed.

"I am being patient with you," he growled. "Because I have been informed that, were I to harm you there would be ... consequences. But make no mistake, I will kill you and gladly accept any possible recriminations if you continue to show me such disrespect."

Raven gave him a bemused look. What should she do to him? Set his bones on fire? Infest his brain with maggots? Oh, she would decapitate him, but keep his brain alive so that he could still hear, talk, feel and taste, but he wouldn't have a body to command!

Smirking, Raven twitched her fingers slightly.

Nothing happened.

What. The. Fuck?

She tried to cast another spell. Nothing.

Shit! What was going on?

Desperately, she glanced back at her hands, bound at the wrists behind her back.

As her eyes skimmed the floor, she froze.

That bastard! She was in a supressing magical circle. Her powers wouldn't work here.

She glared up at the stranger. This explained why she hadn't felt any emotions from him either; she was unable to access her magic!

He was just standing there, glaring at her as she realised the situation she was in.

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