A Tower Full of Teenagers

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Damn but she was powerful.

Powerful and untrained. A dangerous combination, but one that offered a large reward to those brave enough to take on the challenge.

Damian knew that he would harness the demon-girl's powers. His father had ordered him to do so and so Damian would do it. Failure not being an option didn't even cover it; failure was unheard of.

"Keep an eye on her," advised Wonder Woman. She was staring at the door the witch had just disappeared through. Her hand was still resting on the pommel of her sword. So, the girl had earned Diana's respect as a warrior? Or at least the woman considered her a threat. Either way it was an impressive feat; Wonder Woman was notoriously difficult to faze.

"Should I follow her?" asked Kaldur'ahm.

Damian gave a small, quick nod and his second-in-command left to carry out his duty. Kaldur'ahm was a good subordinate; practical, unhesitant in dispatching discipline, and loyal. Damian was lucky to have him in the team. But he wouldn't hesitate to cut off his head at the slightest sign of insubordination.

That went for every member of the Teen Titans. Well, maybe Jon would give him pause for thought. They had grown up together, were practically brothers, but that wouldn't have been a factor in the hesitation. No, it was the fact that Jon's father was Superman and the man in blue wouldn't be at all pleased to find out that his only son had been decapitated. That being the case, Damian would have to use one of the many plans he held in his mind to kill the man of steel. Preparedness is a pre-requisite to victory as his grandfather had always told him.

Speaking of which, now that the magic-user had arrived, Damian would have to test her. Find her limits, find her weaknesses and develop plans on how to deal with her if the situation ever called for it.

"We cannot afford to anger her father," Damian's own father had told him over the phone. It had something to do with the Lazarus Pits, though his father hadn't given him exact details. Secrecy was an integral part of life as an al Ghul. Damian had only been told about the connection to the pools of healing water by his mother. It was always a dangerous game getting information from Talia al Ghul; she only told you what you needed to know in order to achieve her own objectives, and she always had objectives.

"That was intense," Jonathan Kent, on the other hand, never had ulterior objectives. He knew his strengths and his weaknesses – which in itself was a very unique talent that Damian wished more of his head-strong subordinates possessed – one of said weaknesses, in comparison to Damian, was strategy, both short-term and long-term. The two boys had made a secret pact many years ago that they would stick together no matter the circumstances. Jon would always accept Damian's orders and Damian could always plan to have Jon by his side. He didn't of course; he had many contingencies for if Jon turned on him or was killed. But he had also never found any evidence that Jon was planning on betraying him – and he looked for signs continuously.

"I don't like magic Damian."

"I know you don't Jon," replied Damian. "It's not exactly my favourite area either. But we've been given an opportunity here. The chance to mould a magic weapon of our own."

Damian's eyes flashed in the direction of Wonder Woman who's facial muscles had twitched slightly at his words. He raised a questioning eyebrow.

Diana's mouth twisted into something akin to a smile.

"Oh," she said. "I think she's going to be the one to mould you little demon spawn."


Life with mortal teenagers was confusing.

Raven had lived her entire life around demons, who were notoriously mercurial and volatile.

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