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Zatanna was gone: dead after interrogation from the Justice League had revealed nothing. Batman had wanted to keep her alive for further questioning, but Superman had taken her head off with his heat-vision; he hated magic and hadn't wanted an iota of chance for her to escape.

Raven didn't care, she was glad even; relieved that her sleepless nights were over and joyful that she could keep her food down once more. Life was generally better for her apart from one thing: Damian.

The young heir to the League of Assassins was ignoring her almost completely, only acknowledging her existence during team exercises.

Raven couldn't blame him. She was disgusted with her actions that night and so, clearly, was he.

Weak, pitiful ... she had actually cried! The Assassin had been a gentleman about it, had even carried her to her room in her emotional state, but he seemed to have lost all interest in her sexually.

He didn't even train with her on the roof anymore. As soon as she had regained her health, Raven had resumed her usual morning activities but she had found herself alone which, for some reason, made Raven feel worse than anything else. She hadn't realised how much she had grown to liking their time alone together talking, making fun of the others and venting about their parents. Now that it was gone, Raven felt alone in the Tower.

Damian was angry with her; she could tell, despite the fact she couldn't read his emotions, she just knew it for a fact. His entire body screamed it at her every time they were in a room together; the clenched fists, the tightened jaw muscles, the determined lack of eye-contact. She didn't need her empathic abilities to understand his feelings.

Even now, when he was supervising the Titan's training, he was pointedly ignoring her.

"Where were you aiming that star-bolt Blackfire; I'm standing right here, not ten feet that way. Superboy, if I have to remind you one more time to use codenames whilst in costume, I'm going to get some Kryptonite glue and shut your mouth permanently. Jericho I could have killed you about a hundred times already and we're only seven minutes into the fight, get your head out of your ass!"

Raven ducked as Aqualad flew over her head having just been hit by the percussion blast of one of Damian's bombs. She flew at the Titan's leader, keeping low to the ground and using copious amounts of dark smoke as cover. She managed to get within ten inches of him, and actually thought she had taken him by surprise, when the blade of his sword pierced her side. She dissolved into darkness as soon as she felt the cold metal slice easily into her flesh. That, she thought bitterly as she retreated into the shadows, was going to hurt once she regained solidity.

Sure enough, as soon as she reformed her body, she had to grit her teeth to prevent herself from screaming in pain. Why had he done that? He didn't usually go that far during training. Sure, he was brutal, but bruises and maybe a couple of broken bones had been as far as he had gone in the past. She could have died from that attack if she hadn't reacted so quickly and dissolved into shadow. But then again, Damian never did anything, even – no, especially – in battle without having thought it and its consequences through ten times. He knew he wouldn't kill her, but still ... that level of violence had been unusual and unwarranted.

And Raven was not the type of girl to take it!

"What the fuck was that for, you dick?" she yelled across the training room.

At once, all activity stopped. Everyone turned to stare at Raven, shocked. Everyone except Damian who, for the first time in weeks, met her eyes, with a blank stare.

"You fucking stabbed me," she screamed. "Why?"

"It's training Raven," he said in a monotone completely devoid of any feeling. "I reacted like any enemy would have at that sloppy attack."

Dangerous SeductionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora