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"Why did it take us this long to do that?" asked Damian as he planted kisses on Raven's hand.

"Because you were being a tease," smirked Raven.

"My sincerest apologies, beloved," he said.

Raven blinked in slight shock. "Beloved?" despite knowing it was just a word, she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat. "I bet you say that to all the girls."

"No," Damian replied, staring intently into her eyes. "In fact, I've never said that to anyone before."

A smile, genuine and delighted, spread across Raven's face. "Then I don't mind saying 'I love you too''".

His deep green eyes danced. "I bet you say that to all the boys." He smirked playfully.

"Only ever two," she thrilled at her lover's sudden possessive anger. "You and my father."

Damian chuckled, mollified. "If that's the case, do you want me to be your daddy?"

Raven smiled up at him. "Damian, darling, I love you but don't ever say that again!"

"So, no Oedipus complexes here then?"

"Not unless you want to call me 'mommy'."

Damian pondered this for a while. "That would be ... strange."

"Good strange or bad strange?"

"Not sure," he mused. "I think we'll save that one for if we ever have hate-sex."

"OK," laughed Raven, pulling him in for another long kiss. "No parent talk in bed."

They stayed like that for a while, laying in bed, kissing deeply with no haste or desperation, just savouring each other. Eventually they pulled apart again.

"Speaking about parents," said Damian as he stroked a hand through Raven's hair. "Mine are throwing a fund-raiser for the Justice League next week. Would you like to come with me?"

"A high-society bash?" Raven said in mock shock. "But whatever would I wear?"

"I'm sure we can find something last minute." Chuckled Damian. "But surely you're used to this sort of thing; your father literally rules Hell, you must go to tonnes of Demonic soirées."

Raven laughed at this, laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks and she could feel Damian's gruff humiliation. She forced herself to calm down; she didn't want Damian to get all pouty and defensive.

"What do you imagine Hell to be like?" she enquired, still smiling. "Trigon the Terrible, Lord of Madness and Conquer of Worlds, in a tuxedo? He's too busy having fun to organise any formal events."

Damian allowed his indignation to fade away as he stared at his beloved. She had never really elaborated on the differences between their home worlds before and Damian had, probably naively, assumed that it was much like the one he was from but with more fire and screams.

"What you have to remember, my love, is that being a demon in Hell is just one big orgy of pleasure. There are parties," she added. "But no one really enjoys them. A demon only hosts an event if they need to climb socially and the ones who attend are also there to gain something, whether it be wealth or power or just to get their name known. Once you get to a certain level however, you no longer need to host or attend parties because you no longer have to schmooze with other political climbers."

"So, in your world, parties are less fun than day-to-day life?" Damian clarified. It was actually the opposite of how things happened on Earth, he mused. On his world, the lower classes could hold parties to just have fun, but once you reached a certain level in society, they were an opportunity to work at increasing your influence with others and gain more political power.

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