Episode Three ~ Part Two

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"Okay," Addison stared into the visor mirror as she combed through her hair with her fingers. Her lips were glossed, her dress was fitting, and her legs were out. Having been eating homecooked meals again, she had gained weight in all the right places - her thighs especially.

She looked good and, most importantly, felt good.

Satisfied, she looks at Hailey, who had been watching her in the passenger's seat with a worried look plastered on her face.

"How do I look?"

"Beautiful, of course." Hailey always envied how her little sister didn't need make-up. Her skin was naturally evenly toned and blemish-free until her time of the month came. Then they were gone like it never happened.

"What's wrong?" Addison noticed Hailey's troubled expression.

"I'm just confused on what your play is here, Addy. You don't have to dress up. Jax is already in love with you."

"I know that," her shoulders slouched. "I just . . . as immature as it may sound, I want him to know what he's missing. I might not be Michelle . . ."

"Addy now," Hailey almost gasped. "Don't tell me you're jealous of Michelle. Not you. You've always been confident in who you are."

"I know," Addison rolled her eyes at the insecurities that suddenly attacked her when she looks in the mirror. "It's just . . . I don't know. I thought I was worth the wait. But I guess not. I just find myself thinking, why her, you know?"

"Then just ask Jax, Addy. Hear him out."

"That's the thing, Hailey," Addison groaned, leaning her head on the steering wheel. "I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared that his why won't be good enough. That'll it'll just hurt me even more. That . . ." she lifts her head, tears welling in her brown eyes. "Jax might not be the Jax that I loved, and I wanted to marry. That means all the promise and the stupid childish daydreams were for nothin'."

"Aww, Addy," Hailey put a hand on her shoulder.

Wiping a tear that spilled, Addison straightened her posture. "I'm not ready for the talk yet, and that's fine because I'm here to get alcohol for the party." She clicks off her seatbelt. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck," Hailey watched her go sadly.

Addison regretted wearing a dress with no tights and a leather jacket unfit for the cold weather the second she opened the door. The wind slapped her in the face repeatedly as she ran to the bar like she was being chased down.

She let out a sigh of relief when the warm air of the bar set in her bones when she passed the threshold. It was earlier in the day, so the bar was empty.

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