Episode One ~ Part Five

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Without warning, Addison leaped into Jax's arms. He laughed, picking her up off the ground.

"You're really here." He placed her back down, holding both of her hands.

Addison looked into his beautiful brown eyes that beamed of excitement and happiness.

"You haven't changed a bit." He was so in awe of her.

Dumbstruck by how much he'd changed, all Addison could say was, "But you have." She gulped, taking in his strong build and arm tattoo. His hair was longer, and the beard was new too.

The last time she had seen him, he had been in the process of growing his hair out, had no tattoos, and was on the slender side out life.

His muscular arms showed that he had grown to be a bit of a gym junkie. Not that Addison was complaining.

Jax smirked shyly, looking away.

"Don't worry," she squeezed his hand, causing him to look at her. "It's a good thing."

Jax pulled her into another hug. "Still as gorgeous as ever."

As he hugged her, he noticed her sisters. They stood with their arms crossed over their chests and hands placed on their hips, giving him death stares.

Gulping, he slowly pulled out of the hug.

"How are ya, Sunshine?" He reached out and pushed her hair behind her ears.

Addison blushed at the nickname. He's called her that since the day they met.

"I'm good."

"You look great." Jax grabbed her hand and spun her around. "California must be treatin' ya well."

"It's alright," she shrugged. "I prefer Saxondale."

"I hear that." He nodded.

The two grew silent, gazing into each other's eyes. There was so much they wanted to share with each other.

"How ya doin', Jax?" Grace drew his attention to them.

Addison looked back at her sisters with a frown, which deepened as she got pulled back by Grace.


"Shh." Jolene wouldn't let her speak.

They looked back at Jax, who was visibly nervous and uncomfortable. He cleared his throat, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry about your grandfather. I planned on going to the funeral, but some things got messed up for karaoke night, so I couldn't make it."

Addison's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait a minute, this is your bar?"

"Yeah," he smiled proudly. "I'm surprised you didn't know, Sunshine."

Addison tried to hide it, but you could tell that her heart had melted right then and there.

Once again, she found herself a dumbstruck, blushing mess. That is until a question nagged at her brain.

She looked back at her sisters. "You guys didn't tell me Jax owned the bar."

"We wanted you to be surprised." Grace gave Jax a fake smile.

The whole time Hailey was visibly upset but quiet. Unlike her other sisters, she wasn't the confrontational type. She'd rather avoid the problem if she could.

"Surprise," Jolene said sarcastically.

"You know what," Mary Jane snapped, pretending she'd gotten a brilliant idea. "Since you're here tonight, Jax, you and Addy should go talk. I'm sure you have a lot to tell her."

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