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^ Margot Robbie as Anna Cooper. Margot is so so so gorgeous and I love Anna. Please don't feel in any way to picture my characters as these, you can imagine them as whoever you'd like❤

 Please don't feel in any way to picture my characters as these, you can imagine them as whoever you'd like❤

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I stare at the sky and it's blue. The clouds dancing in shapes. I always went outside. Even when it was raining. The breeze, the air, the freedom.

Izalea dear, come inside.

I hated when they told me to go back in. Why couldn't I stay out here? It was calm, no fears. Nothing could get me.

I remember going back inside to my bedroom. I could hear their voices downstairs through my floor. I swear they thought I was invisible too. I hated that. So I made a sound to try and get their attention. I missed having fun times with them since then.

Then? Oh yes, that day when they came home frightened. I remember it. They came back one day and they saw me with surprised eyes. Was something behind me? They never looked scared of me. I still wonder what was wrong. Ever since, they weren't the same. Always so secretive.

Izzy honey, why are you downstairs? I thought we told you to stay up.

I've never seen my parents faces the way I saw them just then. They started to scrutinise me, looking me up and down disapprovingly and in disgust. What happened to them? For the first time, my father looked angry at me.

Why do you never listen to us? You think life is a game Izalea, well it's not all sunshine, butterflies and unicorns all the time. You should learn to grow up.

My father's words stung in my chest. A dagger through my heart and all I could feel was numbness. For all my life he had never spoken to me like that. He had always helped me with building my imagination, not destroying it.

My mother gaped at my father but nevertheless she didn't disagree. His cold eyes stayed locked on mine, daring me to disobey. I hung my head and went back upstairs.

This was the day before my life fell apart. I should have known. I was too young to read the signs. Was I always that dumb? As I turned away I didn't look back. The next time I would look into my father's eyes again would be when they were begging me to hide. I couldn't decide if my father's or the man's eyes were worse to look into.

 I couldn't decide if my father's or the man's eyes were worse to look into

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