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^ Jeremy Sumpter as James Reid. How could I not include Jeremy?? He has been one of my main childhood crushes due to the 2003 Peter Pan movie. If you haven't watched it- go go go. It is one of my favourites, and so, Jeremy has to be James😌❤

Me and Anna are back in her house and neither of us are talking

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Me and Anna are back in her house and neither of us are talking. We're sitting in silence across from each other. Anna, with her head in her hands. Me, sitting laid back casually watching the ceiling. All of a sudden there's movement from Anna and she looks up at me with fresh, red burning eyes.

"We've been sat here for nearly an hour and you haven't spoken a word to me," I hear the agony in her voice, but I daren't say anything back.

"IZALEA GOD DAMMIT WON'T YOU JUST TALK TO ME?" I continue staring at the ceiling despite knowing her eyes are on me. Part of me believes that maybe if I do, that I'll break.

There's more silence and I know that Anna's close to losing her self-control. She hates raising her voice. I eventually look down to face her and I rest my hands on my knees, holding my face.

"What do you want me to say Anna?" I raise my eyebrows and Anna looks shocked that I'm finally talking to her. She shifts uncomfortably under my stare in her chair, shuffling to the edge.

"Izzy... you know what I want to you talk to me about. What bothers you? You need to be honest with me if we are going to work this out," This makes me scoff and roll my eyes.

"Honesty? You want honesty Anna? Really? Are you shitting me right now? For the past ten years you have lied to me Anna? For the past fucking ten years!" Anna looks taken back, looking ashamed with herself.

"Izzy- "

"No. Don't you dare talk to me about my honesty when you're such a coward yourself to tell me who you really are!" I get up off my feet, stomping up the stairs.

When I reach my bedroom, I slam my door shut and lay back onto my bed. Honesty? I can't believe she actually wanted me to open up when she has hardly opened up to me. Who does she take me for? A good little girl to tell her everything she wants and for me to just accept her lies? And Lydia? Did she really know who Anna was too, pretending to like me just because she felt sorry for me? I don't need any sympathy from her. Actually, I don't need any fucking sympathy from her, from Anna, from anyone.

Surprisingly I actually got some sleep. I know that Anna didn't. She must have been crying all night since I left the room. It hurt that I couldn't help her but I couldn't talk to her. I just couldn't.

How can you pretend that everything is normal and okay when they treat your whole life as a lie? I may not have ever told Anna about me but I never lied to her, I just hid it. What she did was worse and I'm not going to that stupid counselling.

I hear the faint sobs stop and my alarm clock blares. I know that I'm supposed to go back to school today and I really couldn't give a shit. How do I go back with everyone knowing who I am? So much for me staying hidden. But I do know that no matter how much of bitch Jade is, I need to keep my cool.

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