23 - In Your Dreams

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Lars grinned, surveying the moonlit scene before him. Standing on the edge of a rocky cliff, hewn from the depths of his dreamscape, was a small, circular table. A blue cloth covered its oaken surface, a tall, wax candle gracing its centre. He'd thought about his last encounter with his mystery female, and decided that he'd win her over the traditional way: through a romantic, candle-lit dinner. She might have scoffed at his handsome visage and clever pick-up lines, but there was no way she could dismiss the fresh fruit and intoxicating venison he'd prepared for their perfect evening. He'd even given the scene his signature touch, moulding the sky above into a magnificent, endless sunset.

With a satisfied huff, he concentrated his thoughts on her presence, willing her to materialise into his dreamscape. He could feel her consciousness in the abyss of his mind, where it often lurked, hiding from him through a thin veil. He reached his tendrils out, latching onto it with all his might, and pulled her to him.He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there she was, snug in his arms, her silver hair spilling over his shoulders. She smelt so good.


Asterin was not thrilled about her current life predicament. To say she was bone tired was an understatement. No amount of training had prepared her fully for the harshness of continuous travelling and the responsibility of stopping everyone from dying. Benji had already almost eaten poison berries, gotten hypothermia and used up the last of their precious paper as fire wood.

She couldn't even remember the last time she had had a night of uninterrupted sleep or even sleep at all. Even when she managed to catch an hour or so, there was always that blasted dark haired idiot wreaking havoc in every un-waking moment. It hadn't been an issue at first and might not have drained her physically but damn was it mentally taking a toll on her. What she would give to sink into the darkness of sleep and STAY THERE. So when she was pulled onto the familiar beach for what felt like the hundredth time, all she wanted to do was lay down and sleep. Oh she was very much not in the mood for this.


"Hey," he said bemusedly, "did you miss me?"  She recoiled from his arms, pushing away from him with a surprising strength. He stumbled, a little surprised, and watched as she brought her eyes to his. She blinked slowly at him.

"Oh, it's you," she muttered, her stance was empty of energy she didn't even reach for her weapons. She blinked slowly again. When had he begun to notice her every blink? She seemed focused on the floor, no the petals he had scattered, surely. But slowly she took in the candle-lit table he'd so painstakingly set. "What's going on?"

"I thought that we could have a peaceful dinner. To relax," he had not meant to say that last bit, his voice had come out high and squeaky. Gods he was suddenly extremely nervous. Maybe that was why she wasn't holding her usual stance, now that he thought about it, she was probably also just nervous. He motioned towards the table, carefully trying to show her he understood she was also nervous. "Shall we sit?" If he could just get her to sit down, to have dinner with him, then maybe she's become more relaxed. Surely, she was just nervous, like he was.

But she just kept staring at him, she blinked again and he noticed the bags under her eyes but more so the look she gave him, like she hadn't even processed what he said. "I don't need dinner, I'm not hungry."

He said nothing, he didn't know how to respond to that. She had looked down at the floor again. He had never seen her nervous, is this her way of being nervous...or playing hard to get? He snuck a glance at the sunset, and he thought back to their last meeting. It was a much more direct refusal then he had been expecting or was prepared for, but hey could understand each other, had understood each other. She just needed time to relax.

Heir of Obsidian (A Throne of Glass Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon