17 - My Blood Runs Blue

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They had headed south from the abandoned hut, leaving the injured man to Luka and Benji.

Asterin slowed to the tree line, staying just within its sweeping boughs and shadows. The scene she saw was peaceful, lazy even, as the farmers toiled about in the slight wind bounding in off the coast. She felt a worming guilt at the image of Benji's downcast expression, and seeing what lay before her, was glad he had not seen her true intention to keep him out of the fight, to keep his naïve spirits from causing more havoc. As much as she wanted to believe he could do it, he had no idea what he would be getting himself into. Her eyes snagged on the scarecrows propped in the middle of fields as she looked past to the swaying figures of two lithe women seated meditatively on the ground. They were calling forth the Earth's gift and it's peaceful magic reverberated in her bones. She could feel her magic yearning to join them but she held it's leash tight. She watched as the soil groaned and shifted under the careful hands of the woman and as a burly man who, mere metres away hacked at the deadened cane decaying on the edges of the next field.

Beside her, an impatient Quinn nudged Atlas forward towards a thick oak trunk, starting to stand, as if preparing to scale the tree for a better view. As she looked out across the farmlands to the town, She let her shoulders loosen, a little, taking in the walled city. The wall boasted a mixture of glass and stone, a memento to that glass wall Aelin had built and the stone castle her father had spared. The bond of their kingdoms protecting this city which stood as a pinnacle on the border of their lands. At least those boring authors had taught her something.

As she attempted to look past it an odd silence blanketed the land. That was before they heard it - that bloodcurdling cry. A high-pitched scream shattered the unnatural silence, causing Asterin to jolt in her saddle.

Quinn lept down from the oak, back in her saddle quicker than Asterin's fae eyes could detect. She barely looked back before she shot towards the city, towards that scream, battling her way through the corn-laden fields.

Asterin, though, hesitated. As if she would be able to sense Benji and Luka's presences, and ensure their safety. She held her breath, and nodding once in conviction flying like the wind to Meah's wall of glass and stone.


Friesian quickly caught up to Atlas, putting on a burst of speed as they neared the wall. Asterin whipped her head over to Quinn, mind flooded with possible plans and strategy. They would ask around, find someone not in a dead panic. She tossed up sending Quinn back to get the boys but stuck with her gut; she had purposefully left them behind, they were too... all she needed was the girl beside her. They could do this.

She raised her head just as they cleared the wall. The market place was scattering, the crowd remaining was twitchy - panicked. Must have been a working day.

Quinn looked at her for guidance. Ok, ok, venture calmly inside and find a gods damned guard.

In her quick glimpse of the town's folk she had not seen any allies, warriors or fae. But she sensed the barriers and shields being erected bouncing from house to house. She let herself loose a breath with a whoosh. Adarlan was still shaky in it's fae populace but those with the ability would protect the magic-less. A community Adarlan had not welcomed in a long, long time, now finally allowed to flourish.

So she let her eyes dart around. She could tell these people would not react well to her questions. They were withdrawing into the stack of townhouses and shopfronts leaving the square and its centerpiece monument in silent vigil. The handsome figure it depicted had his arms swept welcomingly, he was young and her heart jolted in recognition as she read the inscription: Roland Havilliard. Her uncle had disappeared into Morath and never come out, and as she heard another scream she shivered to think of what he had become, of what was even now infesting these lands and people, once again.

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