15 - Pillaged

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Hey guys sorry this chapter is shorter. Hope y 'all still enjoy tho x

"Come on, we're almost there - I can feel it in my bones."

Quinn sighed, not even bothering to grab her makeshift map from her satchel. "We know, Benji. You've said that every hour. But there's still a mile to the town, and don't look so excited. We can't just go in there, arrows firing, before we even know anything is wrong." She heaved a sigh, her face the epitome of frustration. "Besides," she added, "we haven't even gotten to the outpost yet."

Luka nudged Quinn in a quiet gesture as he looked up into the forest with tired eyes. Benji followed his gauze almost instinctively. His eyes searched through the foliage and in the distance and spied the outline of a small, wooden hut. He gave a lazy grin in the direction of Quinn. She could suck it; he was right.

"You mean that outpost?" he said slyly, before slapping Shimmerbean's hide. He shot off through the forest, the air streaming past him, golden hair flying up like a kite. From the sound of Quinn's soft curse and the thumping of hooves on forest floor, Benji assumed that his companions were trailing behind him. Good, they would flank him.

He reached the structure first, Shimmerbeans whinnying beneath him as he brought her to an abrupt stop. The hut was slim, tall, and hewn of strong, dark timber. Two large windows on either side were flung open, ready to admit visitors to Meah. But as Benji peered in through the wide, open windows, a stale scent wafted from within, as if this post had been abandoned. A pack of playing cards were strewn over a tall table and a bottle of gin half full beside them. But not a person in sight.

"Hello?" Benji inquired quietly, knowing it was futile. Quinn stepped up next to him and he turned away from the building, catching her gauze as she took in the room.

"Where is everyone?" she said mindlessly, freckled face crinkling as she looked to and thro. She was right; At this time of day, the border should be humming with travelers, the merchants among them with their swaying caravans wishing to enter the town to barter their wares.

A blue bird trilled in the distance, its soft sound reverberating through the swaying trees. Luka followed his sound, navigating quietly around the hut dazedly; Benji wondered when his friend has last slept.

"Something's wrong," Asterin said softly, a hand reaching for the blood-hilted dagger at her waist. Benji wondered if she could sense something he could not, a question already forming on his lips. She started walking back to their horses, "We should split into peers, scout the ar - "

"Oh my God." He heard Luka exclaim in panic out of sight. Asterin was already treading through the unchecked undergrowth towards him and Benji jumped into action, quick on her heels. Luka appeared out of the darkening foliage and whispered, his face pale "H-he needs help."

Benji slowly reached forward. Laying spread-eagled in the brush, limbs tangled in a thicket, was a balding, middle-aged man. Tiny cuts peppered his pale skin, and the man's right shoulder, propped up by a thick dark branch, was sickly disjointed at his side. The man clenched his teeth, his eyes glinting in pain as he released another guttural groan.

For a moment, Benji simply stood there, looking at the man. What the hell had happened? He whipped his head to Luka but his stunned expression yielded nothing.

Asterin who had evidently surveyed the scene already, called from further back. "Whatever did this," Asterin said, "is still out there. Quinn and I will finish scouting the area. You and Luka" - she motioned to where the groaning man lay - "can get this man out."

What?! She was leaving him to deal with this useless old man while she went off to hunt the Valg. He held his tongue only because he knew that Luka wouldn't be able to secure this man on his own, he needed Benji's strength and magic. Just like Meah.

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