12 - Pick your Poison

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Leaves and twigs crunched beneath Juniper's hooves as Luka slowly steered her through the forest. He sunk into the saddle beneath him, sighing at the leather's soft embrace. Afternoon light poured through the canopy above him, illuminating the silver, red, and golden hair of his fellow companions. For six days, they'd travelled through the silent forest, halting only to relieve themselves or gather their bearings. Beside him, Benji shifted in his saddle, his shoulders hunched forwards in fatigue. They were driving a hard pace to put as much distance between Orynth and themselves, and it was taking its toll; he felt like he hadn't slept in forever.

"Hey, Asterin," Luka called, his voice carrying to where Asterin and Quinn rode ahead. He'd been watching Asterin's back the entire morning, observing the effortless way she moved in the saddle and the easy way she conversed with Quinn. Asterin turned, her face still alight with remnants of laughter as Quinn jovially elbowed her in the stomach. They'd decided to ride in a two-by-two formation, Asterin and Quinn in the front and Benji and him guarding the rear. Although, looking at Benji, it didn't seem like they would be much use if they did indeed have to defend.

"You called," Asterin replied, flicking her long hair, her jet-black stallion whinnying as she brought him to a halt. Beside him, Benji jolted upwards as if he'd been about to fall asleep, his eyes widening in surprise at the sudden noise. For a moment, Luka let himself imagine what he would be doing if he wasn't stuck in the middle of a forest. Probably trying to balance a hot tray of fresh cookies as he tramped his way into the library, cosy and quiet except for a single figure awake at its centre till all hours of the morning. He would burst into her little bubble and Asterin would smile at him, he had baked her favourite, chocolate chi---


"I think we should take a break, camp out for the night," Luka huffed out, colour blooming on his cheeks. He mentally cursing himself to the highest towers of hell. Pull yourself together, you loser.

He buried the useless thoughts deep down. Regaining the thread of the conversation, he looked at her imploringly, slightly inclining his head towards Benji beside him, who was once again sinking into his saddle. She returned his look with one of skepticism, a silver-brow raised as she grabbed the map from the satchel hanging at her side. Her calculating eyes quickly scanned their course, Quinn peeking over he shoulder.

Asterin looked at him, at Benji, then Quinn. Quinn's eyes were furrowed as she inspected the decaying paper, "If we keep going, we can reach the border before nightfall tomorrow," she said.

"I know you're tired." Asterin consoled, nodding at Quinn's words. Luka once again glanced at Benji, slumped in his saddle and felt his own body ache with the continued stress of riding. If they didn't get rest soon, they both were going to fall right out of their saddles. He looked pointedly at Quinn, who gave a weary sigh before placing a calloused hand on Asterin's shoulder.

"Asterin," she sighed, "I think he's right. Let's just camp out for the night." She slipped off her horse, flaming hair a cape behind her. Asterin looked at Benji and sighed before giving a small nod.

"Alright," she said, dismounting her black stallion with ease, "Quinn and I'll set up camp. You and Benji can go find us something to eat; I'm starving." She padded to the back of Quinn's horse, where the packs were still tied. Luka quickly scanned his environment, taking in the layers of dark, thick foliage. Very well then. They should be able to find some edible mushrooms or berries in these woods. He turned to Benji, who gave him a small smile, his eyes fighting fatigue. Benji wasn't used to travelling.

"Let's go," Luka exhaled, "I'll head east, you move west... We'll see what we can find."

"No," Benji said sharply, his eyes coming into focus. His face reddened at his sudden outburst. "Let's go together." His eyes darted around the woods, focusing on the darkness lurking between the foliage and the deepening sky above them. If Luka didn't know any better, he'd say his friend was afraid.

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