Chapter 19

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Kaitlyn's POV. Today all I did was do vines and other shit. I grabbed my phone while Taylor and Sammy were looking at me weird and I started to sing "BINGO bitch you a dumb ass hoe and you look like pinocchio and you can sucka my right toe !" I sang and pointed to Taylor and Sammy. It ended and I busted out laughing my ass off. "Thats really mean!" Sammy said fake crying into Taylor's chest. I busted out laughing my ass off so hard. "Lets go to the beach!!" I yelled. All the boys nodded in agreement and we got ready. I put on my blue red and white bikini on and put some shorts and a tank top over it. "Ready?" Kenny asked all of us we nodded and started to walk to the beach since it wasn't that far. I saw Aaron ahead of me so I ran and jumped on his back. He chuckled and grabbed my thighs so I dorm fall off. I had my arms wrapped around his neck but I'm not choking him. I looked around California and saw the beautiful beach ahead and we walked all the way there. I got down and went on my tipi toes and kissed Aaron's cheek. "Thanks for the piggy back ride boo!" I said while walking away and winking at him. I saw Aaron blushing and smiling while taking off his shirt. I gotta admit it was hard for me not to check all them out to be honest. I laid my towel down and all the boys set them down in a line and I took off my shirt and shorts. I saw the boys checking me out and I heard some dog whistles. I rolled my eyes and laid down and started to tan a little. I put my shades on (Top back rolling with the music Jack ! I had to again😩😂.) and was loving the sun and every minute of it. "Hey sweetheart lets get in the water!" Nash yelled. "Alright!" I yelled back and took off my shades and ran into the water diving in (ohhhh im about to dive in! I'm so sorry!😂). "Yeah!!!" They boys cheered and yelled. I came up with my hair wet and I was laughing. After the best day at the beach we set up a camp fire and sat around it while we dried off with our towels. Today was fun guys!" I said leaning against Matt. They all nodded in agreement. And I feel asleep. When I woke up I guess one of them took me home and put me to bed. There was a note and I read it

Hey baby girl I brought you home and tucked you into bed. You fell asleep on Matt btw you look adorable while you're sleeping;) But love you and goodnight baby!
With much love ~ Nate;)

I read and smiled at it. I put it back on my night stand and fell back asleep and was out like that .

A/n. Hello my beautiful little muffins🌴! Wow thank you for 423 reads!!❤️ Well goodnight my beautiful little muffins and Please Stay Strong My Queens!👑👍😉~K

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