Chapter 49

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Kaitlyn's POV. I woke up next to Cameron while he had his strong arms wrapped around my waist. I got up and looked around his room to realize it's actually clean. Then all the events from yesterday night came flooding back in my brain. I rolled my eyes and went down stairs to make the jacks Sammy Nash Cameron and the rest expect Shane some breakfast. I started making eggs when I felt arms wrap around my waist I turn and look and see its Sammy. "Cameron told everyone in the house what happened." he said bringing my body closer to his. "Sammy please don't give me sympathy" I said turning to him and wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. "Alright baby girl i won't can I beat his ass though ?" He whispers is my ear. I laugh at him "no I don't want drama" I said letting go of Sammy and went back to cooking. "Fineeeeeee" Sammy said pouting like a little 6 year old. "What's the agenda for today loveeee" Johnson said coming down the stairs and hugging me by my waist. I turned and kissed his cheek and went back to cooking "Hmhhhhhhhhhh lets do a Q/A for my channel today!" I said excited. "How come I did the same and you don't kiss my check" Sammy said pouting. I rolled my eyes in a playful way and go to kiss his cheek, but as soon and I go for his cheek he turns quickly and kisses my lips. I quickly pull away and start blushing like crazy, i look at Johnson and he's recording for snapchat. "I JUST STOLE A KISS" Sammy yells and starts laughing into the camera. I cover my face and start laughing. Out of no where all the boys again except Shawn come down and kiss my cheek. I finished making them breakfast "This is good kaitlyn" Justin says eating more. I smiled but soon faded when I see Madison and Shawn coming down the stairs. Madison's hair is all messy same with Shawn's looks like those two have sex hair. The boys all turned to them they all grabbed eggs and threw them at Madison and Shawn yelling stuff like "SLUTS, CHEATERS, DICK, WHORE, BITCH," and more words that are worse. They both ran out of the house. I was laughing harder than I should have "Guys you didn't have to do that now I have to clean that up" I said grabbing towels , but soon ripped out of my hands by the boys "Nope your not doing anything today, today is your day to have fun we'll clean up now get your fine ass up stairs and get the camera out for a Q/A" Taylor said slapping my butt. I turned and looked at him "Watch it caniff "I said pointing a finger at him and started heading up stairs. He put his hands up in defense and laughed I laughed and went upstairs. I walked into my room only to see it messy.. The had sex in my fucking bed. I screamed so loud they all came up quickly what's wrong babe" austin said hugging me. I hugged him so tight and cried "They had sex in my fucking bed" I yelled in his chest they all looked at my bed in disgust. "You know what I'm fucking tired of seeing MY GIRL hurting cause some fucking cunt wanted sex I'm gonna beat his ass" Sammy said going outside go to hit Shawn. I let go of Austin and chased after Sammy "No Sammy stop!" I yelled as I ran out the door after him. "YOU FUCKING DICK!" Sammy yelled as he punched Shawn right in the nose. I ran after him and got in front of him before he could throw another punch he quickly stopped when he realized I was in his face. I looked behind me to see Shane on the floor groaning in pain and slutison rushing to his side. I looked back at Sammy and put my hands on his checks and rubbing his cheek with my thumbs looking up at him. He was about to go at Shawn again but I stopped him "Hey hey hey look at me look at me" I said as calmly as I can. He looked at me and his face softened "its okay its alright look I'm alright " I said looking into his big hazel eyes. He looked at my facial expression and nodded, he hugged me and picks me up I hug him back. "Slut " I heard as we were walking back inside, I stop in my tracks and tune only to see that it came out of Madison and Shawn's mouth. I smiled and walked up to Madison and back handed her hard, she fell to the floor and I looked at Shawn and did the same "Cheat on me once and make me cry call me a slut and I'll back hand you ass" I spat at both of them and threw Shawn's shit out and Madison's. "Bye fuckers have a life filled with STD's and Aids!" I yelled as I have them my middle finger and closed the door. The boys got all that on Camera on snapchat "Damn baeeeeeeeeee way to slay" Nash said high fiving me. I laughed "Remind me to never cheat " I heard Justin say to Matt. I laughed at both of them "Wait what did you mean MY GIRL" I said turning to Sammy as he tried sneaking away up stairs. All the boys smirked at Sammy while he blushed hard "well-umm-umm I -a-I umm didn't know what I was saying" Sammy said trying to lie his way out of it I caught the lie but decided to let it slide. "Oh okay lets go film!" I said going up stairs with the boys and Sammy in the back.

Sammy's POV. I know she caught my lie .. And I did know what I was saying ...

A/n. No offense to Madison I just needed some drama to happen.. Well good night:afternoon:morning where ever you are and Please Stay Strong My Queens!👑😴🎀~K

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