chapter thirty one

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-Anna pov-

"I-I didn't know that she had asthma..." Mark mumbles, his eyes ringed with red since he had been crying.

I place my hand over his. "She doesn't tell many people."

His eyes meet mine. "Has this happened before? Her being hospitalized for it?"

I nod. "Yes."

Mark shakily sighs. "I-I didn't know..."

"She wants to live life to the fullest, but having asthma doesn't grant her the opportunity she pretends that she's not sick. And when she doesn't take care of herself this happens." I softly explain, Grayson, Ethan, and Sky eyeing me are the only indication that they're listening.

Mae's parents are with her in her room, family only since she still can't breath on her own. It's touch and go. Thankfully, with her warning they were able to get her oxygen before things got bad. Like last time.

Mark's been taking this the hardest. He feels her safely is his responsibility since they are together. I've never seen him cry.

Ethan and Sky didn't have to come, but they did. Even with their hair still stiff from product and stage makeup still clinging to their faces.

Grayson's been the most helpful. Giving us comforting words and scrounging snacks from the vending machines.

"Grant's my middle name." Ethan speaks up.

"What?" Mark asks, voicing what the rest of us are thinking.

Ethan rubs the back of his neck. "You, uh, said Grant...and it's my middle name so..."

The four of us stare at him, his cheeks growing more red. Sky's giggle breaks the tension. "Your middle name is Grant?! You never told me that!" She laughs, throwing her head back.

Mark and I start laughing, Sky's laugh is infectious as Grayson shakes his head, chuckling under his breath.

Ethan smiles shyly. "Grayson's is worse."

Our heads flip to Grayson, who is sitting on my left.

"What is it?" I ask, realizing that he's never told me.

He glares at Ethan before meeting my eyes. "It's Bailey."

Sky starts dying laughing, holding onto Ethan's arm. Mark groans, rubbing his face.

I pay Grayson's cheek. "That's cute! Why have you never told me?"

"Because like you said, it's cute! Not...I don't know, if just doesn't fit me." He explains.

"No, I think Grayson Bailey Dolan has a nice ring to it!" I argue.

He chuckles. "I guess."

"And Bailey is a perfect name for a little girl..."

The room goes dead silent as I feel Ethan, Sky, and Mark's eyes on the back of my neck.

Mark tilts his head. "Is this your way of telling us your pregnant?"

Grayson chokes next to me, while my jaw drops. "W-what no?! I was just saying that it was a nice name!"

Ethan nods sarcastically. "Yeah sure."

Sky grabs his hand. "Oh don't tease them you two, it's been a long day for all of us!"

Grayson nods. "And we probably shouldn't be laughing while Mae is next door on oxygen."

Mark shakes his head. "No, Mae wouldn't want us to be sad."

I agree with him. "She would want us to be happy and not worry about her."

He smiles softly, patting my hand.

The door to the small room opens and a nurse dressed in scrubs comes walking in. "There's a man waiting outside? He says his name is Xavier and he's Anna's brother?" She questions, looking at us. "Should I let him in?"

I stand. "Yes, please do. He's my brother, and Mae is like a sister to him."

She smiles. "I'll bring him right in." She hesitates at the door, turning to us. "And don't worry about Mae, I'm sure she'll make a full recovery."

Mark nods his thanks and the nurse swiftly leaves, pulling the door closed behind her.

"Why is Xavier here?" Ethan asks.

"I texted him." I lace my hand with Grayson's, needing his support.

His thumb runs gently up and down on the back of my hand as the door swings open once more, reveling my disheveled brother.

"I came as soon as I saw the text." He gasps, taking a seat across from me.

"You didn't have to come." I argue.

"No, of course I had to!" Xavier leans back. "I was here last time."

Mark looks down at the expression "last time" his face tight.

"Hey..." I place my hand in his shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up for not knowing."

Mark looks up, smiling sadly. "Thanks Anna." He stands. "I'm going to the restroom."

We watch him leave, his tennis shoes squeaking on the tiled floor.

Xavier speaks up as the door closes behind Mark. "Is that her boyfriend?"

I shrug. "I guess."

"What do you mean I guess?" Xavier leans forward, his eyes glancing at Grayson and I'd intertwined hands.

"They're on and off, and I'm not sure if they've made it official yet." I carefully explain.

He nods, now eyeing Grayson. "So...are you fucking my sister?" He says bluntly.

Ethan chokes on the water he was drinking, Sky patting his back and Grayson's face goes beat red. I feel my own cheeks blush as he answers.

"Uh, what?"

Xavier smirks. "You heard what I asked."

"I-I, uh...well you see-." Grayson sputters.

But the door bursts open as Mark comes running back in. "We can go see her now!"

The five of us stand, all following Mark to Mae's room. Her parents stand outside the closed door, a noticeable distance between them. They nod their consent and Mark opens the door. We file into see Mae, who sitting up in the hospital bed, an oxygen mask still on her face. Her eyes lift as she tries to smile, her hands reaching out.

Mark instantly goes to her side, taking her right hand as I take her left. Grayson stands behind me and Xavier to the left of me. Ethan and Sky stand at the bottom of the bed.

Mark clutches her hand, lightly kissing the top. Mae surveys us, looking surprised to see Xavier.

He pats her leg. "I had to make sure my Mae showers was okay!"

I chuckle at the nickname Xavier gave Mae years ago after she expressed that she hated the expression "April showers brings May flowers" because it was "rude to the flowers who came in March."

She nods, indicating that she's okay.

Sky speaks up again. "Don't scare us like that again okay? You promised that you would take me thrifting!"

Mae's eyes crinkle and her hand squeezes mine as she meets my eyes.

I smile softly, leaning forward to hug her. "The second you're better I'm killing you for not taking care of yourself." I whisper in her ear, pulling away with a big smile.

She shakes her head, resting it on the pillow as she lets go of my hand and gives me a thumbs up.

End of chapter 31

well she lived (:

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