Chapter Two: The Date

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  Edgar went to Byron's stall in Brawl Street. The theme park's version of Main Street. He wanted to try something. A new attempt to win the girl over. I mean, there was no one chasing her romantically but still, he'd be her boyfriend.

  After a five minute walk, he was finally there.

  "Hey, old man. Can I get a elixir that can turn me into a cactus?" Edgar asked. His grandfather had a lot of concoctions that do interesting things. Such as granting temporary flight, making someone stronger... There were many effects.

  "What do you want? You're my grandson, but you still got to pay." Byron told him.

  "Erm... Do you still have the transformation liquid thing?" Edgar repeated. Byron was hard of hearing. "Yes, I do. 150 gems, please."

  Edgar gave him the gems. It was technically paying nothing as those gems may be converted back into his allowance anyways.

  "Have a good day! Don't forget to drink water and all that stuff!" Byron called out to him. Sometimes he felt like he was his dad instead of grandad.

  "Yeah, yeah. I'll remember that!" And Edgar ran away back to the Gift Shop.

  The teenager went into the back of the gift shop and did some preparations in and outside the storage room. Edgar, in the storage room then thought hard about Spike and drank the concoction he bought.

  Edgar shrank, whilst turning green and spiky.

  Edgar, the emo teenager; is now a green cactus.

  A perfect clone of Spike. The red flower, the green skin, the spikes and clothes. Identical. Everything was the same. Even the clothing, for some reason.

  Edgar, as Spike walked out of the storage room with his stubby legs attempting to find Colette.

  The faux cactus walked out of the back door. Usually it would be a problem for a short cacti to open a high-up doorknob, but human Edgar had opened the door in advance.

  Edgar then walked up to a pile of boxes the human Edgar put and started climbing the boxes and closed the door shut. Jumping off the boxes, he went to the other stack and locked the door behind him.

  The cacti replica was now in an alleyway. Or the theme park version of an alleyway and walked towards the entrance of the gift shop and went in.

  Colette was manning the cashier with her usual smile. There were new customers, lining up.

  Ding dong!

  The bell above the entrance rang and it was Spike???

  The cactus arrived? He never really came, due to Colette's obsession.

  Colette quickly served the customers in line. Colette then basically jumped over the cashier (when no one was looking) and ran towards Spike. Strange, he wasn't scared. No wait, he was distracted.

  "Oh Spikey!" Colette cuddled the cactus, with her clothes protecting her from the spikes. "I'm so happy to see you here!"

  Cactus Edgar didn't know if there was a cacti version of blushing, but that's what he did if that existed.

  "Aw, Spikey you're blushing!" Giggling, she hugged him tighter and Cactus Edgar blushed harder.

  "Do ya wanna go out with me?" Normally someone wouldn't really ask someone that out of the blue but Colette was a different specimen. A flighty one.

  Edgar nodded vigorously. His crush just literally asked him out! I mean, she didn't know it was him but she was still dating him, not the love rival. Maybe that should've been worded better. The cactus was terrified of her anyways.

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