Chapter Four: Motorcycle Talks

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"Hey. I was wonderin'... Why do you like me so much?" Colette asked.

Edgar... thought for a second and responded. "Well um uh.." Edgar paused, thinking of his next word. "You're cute." Tomato Edgar skin acquired!

"That's it?" Colette said. Unflattered. What.

"Oh, no no no no. There's more to that. Well, I like your optimism- you never seem like you feel down. You're just- so happy, so innocent. So carefree.. And you do what you like, people judge but you don't care. I mean stalking people isn't something I'd approve but like it takes guts to admit it to someone and with the amount of people that know, you still do it. That's some of the things I like about you. There's probably more to it, but yeah. Things I like."

Edgar confessed most of the things he had to say in one huge paragraph that 8-Bitesfool stuffed into his mouth.

"And yeah you're uh.. Also very pretty and kind and talk to me..." Like a rainstorm, Edgar rained down words into Colette's ear.

"I get it. Thanks. Why did you do this?" Colette asked.

Edgar stayed silent, fearful of how he would need to respond.

"Well... Well uh.."

"Speak. Up." Colette's tone had an iron grip. Edgar was now cornered.

"I tried different ways, like sending love letters! But that's sappy and sugary and I put marshmallows in but Spike would eat them-"

"Spike likes marshmallows? Thanks!" Colette chirped.

"Let's not talk about the damn cactus now..." Edgar muttered under his breath.

"Sure, we have more important things to talk about. Then why didn't you remove the marshmallows and write "Secret Admirer?"

"It's pretty obvious who did that if I did it. And I was scared. Because I thought that you would surely reject me because of how lovingly you talk about the other brawlers. Like out of all of them, I'm not even comparable for the sake of it!"

"You aren't Edgar. Don't beat yourself up like that. But continue."

"That's pretty much it." He said, with a tear in his eye. The boy was quite close to crying.

"Alright. Look, don't beat yourself up, alright? I'm just fangirling over all of the brawlers, that doesn't mean I don't fangirl over people at the gift shop." Colette tried to comfort Edgar.

That brought some relief to Edgar.

"Is there anything more you'd like to tell me?" Colette asked gently.

"Nah, let's just have a normal convo. Like this mess never happened."

Colette giggled a little. "Let's do that. Do you know how to knit?" Weird question.

"That's kinda random. Why?"

"Your scarf is sentient. You can't really get any sentient scarves that easily." Colette pointed out.

"That's true. Uhh, I got this from my dad. He named it Robert so that's what I call Robert instead of "Scarf" sometimes." Edgar stated. Yep, his scarf's name is Robert. Plain old Robert.

"Hi Robert." Robert greeted her back by waving. Greetings from Edgar's neck, I guess.

"My turn. Why do you like scrapbooking?"

"It's a nice hobby. You can spend time on assembling pages and it all looks nice at the end!"

"Alright well how do you "assemble" a page?"

"Homemade stickers! Doodles and pictures and maaaaaybe some other things." Colette responded with sparkling eyes.

Edgar kinda wanted to know what his page looked like and what the 'other thing' was. Maybe it was stray yarn from Robert. Maybe even his lipstick. He was missing a tube recently.

"What kinds of homemade stickers?" This triggered a verbal bomb.

"Oh oh oh! Stuff like Brawl Stars and maybe some dried flowers to make it a little pretty but well that's only on Rosa, Spike and Sprout's page! But like yeah other stickers are just brawler themed stuff. I put pink bandaids instead on Penny's page though. And a skull and it looks AWESOME! Wanna hear more??"


Colette blabbed on with Edgar listening. Scrapbooking may not be an interest of Edgar's but.. It seemed to mend their bond.

Edgar will accept that.


"We're here." Edgar said. Gee thanks, Captain Obvious.

Colette then got off, said goodbye and gave Edgar his helmet back.

Still on the motorcycle, Edgar had a lump in his throat as Colette walked on the concrete pavement back into her apartment.

He had to ask a question.

Well, you only got one shot and that will be gone very soon if you don't take it...

"So uh.." Edgar twiddled with hid fingers. "We're still dating right?-" He cut himself off.

"What do you mean?" Colette was confused but that got her attention.

" 'We'... uh.. never really officially called it quits. So we are technically still..." Trailing off, he let Colette finish the rest of the sentence.

"We're breaking up then." Edgar expectedm this. So that didn't hurt all that bad. "You could still take me on a date if you'd like. Just.. Don't do it like last time."

Edgar cringed for a second, relieving the memory. "Sure, Colette. Maybe one in like a week or two at.. a café or something?" That sounds cliché But hey. He's trying. Look at him go.

"Yeah, just contact me. You know my number. Well, I gotta dash, it's getting late. Byeee!" Colette then went back into the apartment building she lived in.

"Bye Colette" Edgar called out to her and she gave him a wave. Ooh yeah, mission success.

The emo teen then stuffed the blue motorcycle helmet back into storage and drove back home.

This, was quite the day for Edgar. It's the kind you's never forget. Ever.



Finally finished rewriting this. I think this still needs an epilogue though. So maybe I'll write one.

But at least this is off my chest. Because the ending felt so wrong when I reflected back.

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