[Eta] Cavern

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Authors Note

Hello dear readers.
I am so sorry for the unbelievably lack of updating. When I started this story I had lots and lots of free time and got sucked into the naruto Universe once again and build the idea with one of my dearest friends. But my motivation went right out the window again and I couldn't find it again...
But I am happy to inform that I want to keep up with the story once again and I am very happy about every like and every comment! And I am also so terribly sorry for all the mistakes, as I reread the chapters I noticed so many I got so embarrassed... But I hope that I increased my grammar at least a bit.
Thank you for reading and please enjoy the next chapters.
Sincerely BackToDoom


A loud growl echoed in the cave and made the ground quiver ever so slightly.

'Maybe it's the consequences of the long prison with the seals...' Kurama stated lazily in his mind when the blond boy gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in pure anger.

'Fuck that! How can I be a powerful Shinobi without own Chakra?!' He screamed back inside his mind.

'This one kid of your village-' A angry sound corrected the Kyubi and made him sigh annoyed 'This kid of you're former village doesn't mastered nin-jutsu or Gen-Jutsu and still was a good fighter.'

'Right. But I don't have time to practise Tai-jutsu in this amount and a Sensai who would show me how to open the eight gates neither.'

'Well... Tough Luck.'

Naruto scoffed annoyed. He thought about the first lessons in the academy. It seemed so far away, way back in his past. He needed to focus. That's how it's done. Bring your mind at ease, relax your body and concentrate. Focus on your surroundings. He missed the times when he just had the chakra like that. But he will get there. Sooner or later.

'I feel... The hard ground... Stones... Some cracks... I Could smell the must in the air of the caven. I hear some foot steps... '

Wait. Foot steps?

Naruto immediately jumped on his feet and threw the holding of the big scroll over his shoulder before he wrapped himself in his new jacket he bought.

'Who could that be?! I just hope some lost hiker...'

'Really? In this hour?'

Naruto had no time to roll his eyes. He quickly ran to an opposite opening from the one where he heard the footsteps from and disappeared into the darkness.

„I really don’t know, Tsutemaru…“ said the young boy and fidgeted with his sleeve.

The other boy scoffed „Don’t be such a whiny bunny. The rumors are just stories because the adults think that we can’t take care of ourselves.“

„Maybe their right… we should go. They say a bad monster lives in this cave…“

„Oh give me a break. That’s just an old wives tale…“

The two youngsters stepped deeper into the stone tunnel only to be greeted with immense darkness.
„Did you bring the flashlight?“

With trembling hand’s the nervous child took it out of his backpack and turned on the light. The walls echoed their steps each time they’re moved.
„It’s really scary… we should head back…“, the younger boy stated while he lighted the way in front of them.

„If you don’t shut up I will leave you here…“
That silenced the boy  and he followed his friend deeper into the cavern.

A deep noise was heard. Both boys froze in their movements. Another deep sound like a beast what hides in the dark.

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