David Bowie

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Work was yet again another boring and useless day, but i was getting paid. The only thing that kept me going was the fact i would be coming home to see my wonderful fiance. As i entered the house i could hear calming music coming from the living room.

"Honey?" I asked hanging my coat up

I put my work bag down by the door before going to find the source of the music. I entered the living room to find David laid face down on the floor with his arms and legs spread out.

"Honey?" I asked again

"Go away" David muttered

I bent down next to him and gently placed my hand on his back.

"What happened?" I asked

"The last album was a flop and now i cant think of any new ideas" David began sobbing

I had absoloutely no idea what to do. He is a freaking rockstar but also my fiance.

"Why dont we think about it over dinner"

"No, im not moving from this spot" David began throwing a tantrum

I clambered up and began trying to pull David up.

"NO" David screamed like a 5 year old

"I didnt know we had a 5 year old living in the house"

"Right thats it" David launched himself at me

He pinned me to the ground and began tickling me over and over.

"David" I screamed

David didnt move as he kept tickling me.

"BOWIE" I yelled even louder

"Im not stopping" David laughed

"Its not funny Bowie. You are a dead man"

"We will see about that"

He began attacking me with kisses which i didnt mind. When David had had enough i was in a fit of giggled with David kneeling over me.

"Was that fun?" David asked

"No" I replied shaking my head

I then clambered up and went to make dinner. As i entered the kitchen i heard an almighty bang from behind me. I turned to see David laid on the bottom step of the stairs.


"Dont worry im okay"

I walked back into the kitchen and headed over to the fridge. As i opened it i felt someone hug me from behind before a mass of red hair went into my face.

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