George Harrison

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I was very excited for today as i would be able to go and watch The Beatles record at Abbey Road. When George asked me i replied without hesitation. I hadnt actually watched the guys record before really apart from picking George up. When we got there John and Paul were in a heated argument about a song while Ringo sat smoking.

"What happened?" George asked as we entered

"Dont even ask" Ringo replied "Im surprised they havent punched each other yet"

"Thanks for the hint" John said before going for Paul

It was very unfortunate that John wasnt actually wearing his glasses so couldnt see a thing. George began to show me around the studio as we just heard an almighty bang.

"Lennon" George muttered

After the small tour we went back into the room to find John laid in the middle of the drum kit which was now in a mess on the floor. Paul was trying to help John up but the two were laughing too much. Ringo was more bothered about his drums as he examined every individual one. George stormed over to the mess and managed to free John before going to grab his guitar. I followed him over to the corner of the room as we watched more commotion to set up the drum kit.

"Why?" George asked "Why am i in a band with these three idiots"

I softly giggled as we turned to look at each other.

"But i love you" George muttered leaning towards me

"I love you too" I replied moving closer

As our lips met we were, not surprisingly, disturbed by one impatient John Lennon.
"Oi, get a room or come record" John threatened

George pulled away, muttered 'lets carry this on later' and then went to see what his band mates wanted. I sat and watched the entire recording session, too mesmirised to leave. At some point i remembered Yoko Ono walking in but we havent had a great relationship so i didnt say anything to her.

When the recording session was over Yoko collared John, whispering something to him. I watched them as George talked at me while putting his guitar away. The John came over saying he wanted to talk to me privately.

"Why are you not speaking to my wife?" John asked a little too furious

"Because the first time we met she critisised me about being fat and didnt let me explain that i was pregnant" I replied

I had had a miscarraige after that which tore mine and Georges lives apart, we had everything planned. It was heartbeaking. Johns face clearly told me he still wasnt happy with me.

"John please i hope you understand" I begged

John didnt say a word as he went to slap me.

"JOHN WINSTON LENNON STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE" George yelled grabbing Johns wrist

"Shes being horrible to my wife" John moaned looking the younger Beatle strait in the eyes

"Do you seriously not remember the first time they met?" George asked "And anyway youre acting like a five year old"

"I do remember the first time but that can be forgotten about" John defended

"Might be for you but not for others" George said, holding onto my hand with his free one

The other two must have wondered what was going on as they came to investigate, Yoko close behind.

"What the hell is going on out here?" Ringo asked pushing John and George away from each other

Neither Beatle said anything as George grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. George grabbed his guitar before we both left Abbey Road and headed for our car. As we reached it we turned to Ringo, who was at his car, to say goodbye. Before we could say anything Ringo let out a scream before dropping to the ground after fainting. Me and George set off running for him to make sure he was okay. I looked in the car to see a great big wopping spider. As the only one around that doesnt have a fear of spiders, or hasnt killed one, i grabbed hold of it and went to put it in a near by bush. John, Yoko and Paul came walking out of the studio and came running over to see what the fuss was.

"He fainted after seeing a spider" I explained

John ended up slapping Ringo round the face to wake him up.

"Wheres the spider?" Ringo asked

"I put it in a bush" I replied

Ringo let out a deep breath before realising John slapped him.

"Lennon, you visious monster" Ringo snarled before pinning John to the seat of his car

He began tickling John over and over making John screach with laughter. Me and George left them too it and clambered into the car, after some goodbyes, and headed home. When we got there George pulled me to the bedroom as we were trying every night to get a baby. It turned out this one night worked.

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