Jon Bon Jovi

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It wa midnight and i couldnt sleep. I laid awake trying to sleep but i couldnt. I worried my fiance would know i had been out every night for th epast month, but he hadnt mentioned anything. He probably knew i was having an affair with a rockstar and didnt want to get involved.

"Alice" Jon muttered rolling over

At first i thought he was having a dream where we were having sex but then i realised he was awake. I figured that out because his big blue eyes stared up at me, almost begging me to say something.

"You should sleep, a rockstar like you needs their beauty sleep" I muttered laying back down so i was facing him

"Whats wrong baby girl?" Jon asked wrapping an arm around me

"Im worried my fiance will find out about us" I replied looking down to his bare chest

I was glad i was with this rockstar and no one else but i didnt know what to tell my finance. I do love him but not as much as Jon, i would marry Jon if i had the opportunity.

"Look, even the rest of the band dont know about us. Hell i tell Richie everything and he doesnt know. Why should youre fiance?" Jon asked

I sighed before raising my gaze to meet his eyes.

"Because ive been sneeking out every night for the past month. Surely he must have worked something out" I answered drawing random patterns on his chest

Jon grabbed my wandering hand with his and kissed it gently but sweetly.

"He wont find out and if he does then you wont take any of the blame, i will" Jon promised

"No, i cant let you do that" I replied before gently kissing his lips

Jon pulled me down on top of him, his fingers laced in my hair. My hands began detangling the nots in his hair as we rolled around on the bed. Then for some reason we heard the front door open and close before footsteps.

"Jon" Richie called

"What the frick is he doing here at this time?" Jon asked as we both clambered from the bed

I then realised Richie didnt know about me so i clambered back into bed.

"No come. Ill introduce you" Jon said pulling me from the bed

Hand in hand we trudged down the stairs and found Richie by the front door, a puzzled look on his face.

"Richie is everyhting okay?" Jon asked

"There was a young lad that turned up at my door looking for you" Richie replied

"Whats his name?" both Jon and I chorused, worry filling both our bodies

The looks on our faces were identical, a mix between worried and scared.

"Harry" Richie said

"Flip" Jon and I said looking to each other

"Where is he now" I asked looking back at Richie

"My house" Richie replied

Jon and I ran strait past him and out the house. We ran round to Richies, me following Jon. When we got there we found Harry, my fiance, sat in the living room drinking tea. As soon as we entered Harry threw the tea over me, it was practically cold by now.

"Why have an affair with him when you have me?" Harry aske gesturing to Jon

"Because i love him more then i'll ever love you" I replied

Harry stepped closer to us and when i thought he was going for me he didnt, he went for Jon instead. One punch knocked Jon to the ground as Richie entered.

"Does anyone need beating up?" Richie asked, his eyes falling on Harry

"Yes he does" I replied pointing to Harry

Richie lanched himself at Harry as i got Jon into the kitchen. I found an ice pack before sitting and nursing him.

"Sorry" I muttered, i kept repeating it over and over while rocking Jon back and forth

"Stop saying sorry, its not youre fault Harry just needs to grow up" Jon defended rubbing my knee in comfort

I softly giggled as Harry ran in, his red hair a mess.

"We're over" he muttered before running from the house

Richie entered, dusting his hands off after the fight.

"Now he's gone who wants a beer?"

Rock/pop star one shots (REQUESTS WELCOME)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora