Chapter 53

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Monday, 29th September 2031
Asuna POV
Kirisuna's House

"When are you going home, Kirito-kun ?" I asked him while he's wearing his favorite jacket that I bought for our first anniversary as husband and wife. I also sewed a little heart with his name on top of it and I placed it on the left chest part. "Oh, probably around 4 or 5 PM. Is that alright that I'm gonna leave you alone again, Asuna ?"

"Mhmm.... it's alright, Kirito-kun. I've done this many times so you don't have to worry about me too much." I smiled just to make sure that he doesn't overreact about this. "But... It's not the same, Asuna. You're almost at your due date and I'm worried if yo-"

I immediately hugged his hand and caressed his soft hair. "Ssshhhh... Don't say such a thing. I'm gonna be alright, besides if something happened to me when you're not in the house, you told me that I should call Sugu first right ?" While I try to reassure him, I stroke his back and I could tell that he's getting more calmer and calmer.

He let go from me and placed both of his on my shoulders, he sighed then looked at me with his face calmly smiling towards me. His smile makes my heart melt and my face turns into red tomato and hot all of a sudden. He giggled seeing me flustered. "You're so red, Asuna."

Th-That's because of your sw-sweet smile..."

"Aww.. thank you my dear Asuna." He plants a short kiss on my left cheek then kneel to where my stomach is located. "I'm trusting you to not hurt mommy okay my sweet little angel." He's pointing at my stomach and it was quite hilarious to see him occasionally doing stuff like this. "I'll be going now Asuna." He opens up the front door.

"Be careful, Kirito-kun."

"I will, I love you."

"Love you more." I giggled then he closed the door. "Now, what shall we do now..." Since Kirito isn't going to be eating lunch at the house, I'll be making it for myself. Then I heard the growling and felt a kick from my stomach, I laughed that she thought that I forgot to include her too. "Don't worry, you'll be getting my share too so don't be angry." 

I took a glance inside the fridge and I saw there's leftovers from yesterday's dinner and it was Kirito's favorite dish that I made, which is beef stew. I cooked too much yesterday and didn't realize that even Kirito is such a glutton, he does have a limit like every other human. He said that he'll be eating it again later for tonight, so I only took a little bit from the pot and I ate it on the sofa in the living room.

Nowadays, I never eat at the dining table anymore since my belly is getting bigger and bigger making me uncomfortable to eat on the conventional chair. Kirito recommends me to eat on the sofa so I'll get more comfortable and it does feel more comfortable but not as usual when I wasn't pregnant. When I ate the beef stew, she kicked more than usual. I giggled that I think that she's been liking my food that I made. "You're so much as excited as your father, teeheee." 

I wonder what Kirito is doing in my parents house.

Kazuto POV
Asuna's Parents House

"Am I d-doing it right ?" I tried to put on the diaper on a dummy and I couldn't even do it. I already saw what Asuna's mom was doing for 10 times and I couldn't redemonstrate it. "Oh my god, Kazuto. I told you it's the other way not that way." Now I'm very confident that I'm not qualify as a father.

"W-Wait, really ?" I saw the diaper that I put on the dummy and I saw Asuna's mother's one and I put it the wrong way again. "Oh, right..." I put off the diaper and then wore it the right way. "Now I'm confident that this is the right way." Yeah, totally confident. "Good, you've actually done something right this time." The comment from her really hit my heart, like literally. I could hear Asuna's dad laughing in the background while he's standing by the doorway.

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