Chapter 41

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Kazuto POV
Local Time : 7 PM CEST

I pull out my phone from my pocket to call Eugeo, I know it's already very late in Japan but I need to call him because I have a master plan on how I should surprise Asuna.

Eugeo - Calling

"Come on, pick up." I groan waiting for Eugeo picking up the call, then after trying to call him for about 5 times he finally picks up the call.

E - "Hmm... Kazuto it's literally 3 AM here." I hear him talking very silently.

K - "Sorry, but I just graduated."

E - "Seems uninteresting... I'll go back to sleep... WAIT WHAT ?!" Now he's shouting making my eardrum about to pop.

E - "Eugeo... You're being too loud..." I hear him putting down his phone to comfort this mysterious girl voice beside him.

E - "I'm sorry... Go back to sleep, I'll talk outside."

K - "Wait, are you cheating on Alice ?"

E - "Nonsense, she's sleeping in my room right now but right back to the topic. How did you get yourself graduated ?"

K - "I worked on a project which is kind of complicated if I tell like this, I'll tell you when I go back Japan but anyways I impressed the HoU and he decided to let me graduate faster than anyone else."

E - "Ahh I get it, when are you coming back here ?"

K - "Tomorrow actually, I've already packed all of my clothes except for my PC, which is gonna be shipped to Japan later on."

E - "You're not gonna sell it ? It's pretty old if you asked me."

K - "Hell no, it's my architecture even I managed to built my own Processor which got the clock speed of 24Ghz."

E - "Alright, enough with your PC wet dreams. Did you already tell this to Asuna ?"

K - "Yes, well sort of..."

E - "Kazuto ?"

K - "I-I lied to her... but for a good reason." 

E - "Yeah, yeah for good reason."

K - "I mean it, I'm going to surprise with my own plan."

E - "I'm hearing into it."

K - "My flight is tomorrow morning at 7 AM and I'll be arriving around maybe 9 AM the day after tomorrow, then after that you.. Oh right, can you pick me up tomorrow ?"

E - "My university starts at 12 PM, so I could pick you up first after I drop off both Alice and Asuna."

K - "Great, drop me off to my aunt's house then you can leave but don't tell Asuna that you're picking me up at the airport."

E - "Ok, I won't. Don't worry about it, your secrets are safe."

K - "Right, thank you."

E - "But what if Asuna ask something about me picking up someone at the airport ?"

K - "Just... tell her that you're picking up one of your relatives."

E - "Well... I hope that excuse works, Kazuto."

K - "It will, trust me. I'll see you when I arrive at the airport, good night Eugeo."

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