Muggle London

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Once Hermione had calmed Ginny down and the two had gotten ready to go, and Harry put on some of the clothes he bought from diagon alley that actually fit, everyone gathered around in the living room so they could floo to the Leaky Cauldron. They all made Harry go first so that if he did it wrong again they would be able to get him back.

"Oh! Harry Potter!" Harry heard almost as soon as he stepped out of the floo. He had to suppress his groan, couldn't he go anywhere peacefully?

"Hi." he said dismissively, hoping whoever it was that had called him would get the message and leave him alone. No such luck.

"How are you, my boy?" Harry looked up, Christ, it was Fudge. He sat on a stool at the bar, sipping a purple drink. His green bowler hat sat crookedly on his head. 

"I am fine Minister, how are you?"

"Ah not too well I'm afraid Harry. You've heard of Black's escape?" At Harry's nod he continued, "Well Skeeter's really got it out for me and she's been using everything she can to make me look bad."

'Good' Harry thought, 'at least it's not me'  "Well you know how she is, Minister, pounces on every opportunity to destroy someone's reputation." The floo behind him whooshed green and out popped Ginny, "Oh I'm terribly sorry Minister, but I can't talk any longer, we are touring muggle London today. It's going to be great fun."

"Oh- yes Harry that does sound like fun. Do be careful though, Black could be out there anywhere." He warned, rather darkly.

"Oh yes of course Minister. I do have the Weasleys with me, I'm sure they will do a magnificent job a protecting me if need be. I really must be going now, Goodbye Mister Fudge, do try and go easy on yourself, no one believes what Skeeter writes anyway."

Fudge smiled, "Goodbye Harry." he said with a nod

Harry grabbed Ginny's hand and dragged her toward a table. She was laughing at his suffering.

"God I hate him." Harry mumbled

Ginny laughed even harder. 

Once she had stopped laughing  Harry looked at her wearily. She sighed. 

"Harry I'm sorry I got so angry at you earlier, Hermione explained why you would want to keep the map. I understand you want to have a piece of you dad, but I need you to understand that I was possessed by an object that was so similar to it and that it is scary to think of having to relive it."

Harry nodded, "I understand Gin, but look." Harry took the map out of his pocket and gingerly handed it over to her, "It doesn't feel the same way the diary did. The diary had this dark, eerie feeling about it. This one feels like happiness. Like when you sit by the fire in the common room, or when your mum makes chocolate chip pancakes, that's what this one's magic feels like. I don't think anything Voldemort, or Tom Riddle has made would feel like that."

Ginny flipped the map over and ran her fingers along the creases, "Yeah I guess you're right, just don't open it around me, will you?" 

He nodded. "Of course, Gin. What's that book you were reading about?" Harry said trying to cheer her up a bit, it was her birthday after all.

Ginny grinned and launched into an explanation, "Okay there are these two girls right? Annie, and Liza. Liza lives in like a really nice and fancy neighborhood and Annie lives in kind of a shabby neighborhood, but they're best friends. Eventually, they start catching feelings for eachother, and despite everyone else trying to pull them apart they have to stay true to one another and their feelings. I'm almost done with it and it's SO amazing. Hermione said it was a groundbreaking book in the muggle world because it was two girls, I don't really know why that's groundbreaking, but its still really cool."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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