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Harry looked over at the men standing near him. "Moo- neee" he cooed reaching up to the scarred man. The man smiled and reached down to pick Harry up off of the carpet. "Hello Harry," he said, tickling Harry's belly, "Are you ready for your nap?" Harry put his head on Moony's chest in response. Moony chuckled, "Alright let's go put you down for a nap. I'll be right back, Pads." He said, pecking the long haired man on the cheek, and then went to put Harry down.

Harry yawned and stretched, then opened his eyes. He sat up smiling at the dream he had just had. He'd been having dreams like that for a while now. Dreams of his mother, and father. And a few other men; Moony, Padfoot or Pads, and there was also Wormy. Harry had figured that these men were his parent's friends. He wondered where they were now. Harry's heart sank when he realized that they were probably dead right along with his mum and dad. He wished with all his might that they were still alive, and just didn't know he wasn't dead. Surely if they knew they wouldn't leave him with his relatives. Right?

Harry snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Uncle Vernon's heavy footsteps moving around in the room across the hall. Harry groaned, Marge was coming today. Harry hated Marge, he wished he could go back into that wonderful dream he was having, but no. Harry had to get up and do the chores, and then he had to endure Marge's hateful comments toward him and his parents who, in her eyes, were unemployed alcoholics that died in a car crash.

Once Harry was changed and fully awake, he waited patiently on his bed for Aunt Petunia to come and unlock his door. After a few minutes went by, he heard the latch of the first lock being opened. Harry sat up and walked towards the door, he opened it just as Aunt Petunia was about to bang on it with her fist to wake him up, "Good morning Aunt Petunia" Harry said with a grin. She looked at him skeptically, Petunia knew that when he was in a good mood like this in the morning, it meant that he had had a nice dream, most likely about his parents. 

She also knew, as did everyone else in the house, when the boy had bags under his eyes and he wasn't talking, he had had a dream about the man that killed Lily. When he got like that, they knew not to talk to him. When Harry was in a mood like that he would go downstairs, make breakfast do all the chores, all the while glaring at nothing in particular, he would then leave to go to the run down park a few blocks over, and stay there until he had to come back to cook dinner, most of the time he was in a better mood by then. 

While in these moods, Harry would never threaten them, no, he had a little more self-preservation than that, but he had this murderous look about him that freaked them out. They knew what he was capable of, and Petunia knew what he was destined to do. Only she knew that though, the man... Dumbledore, he had told her and only her of what Harry would do. 

Petunia thought that having a boy brought up and trained just to die was kind of like raising a pig for slaughter. She hated the boy, yes, she hated him with a passion, but that didn't make what was being done to the boy any less okay.

 Petunia thought about how she had treated the boy over the past 12 years. He had deserved it, daring to be magical, and making them seem odd to the other people that lived on Privet drive. Yes, yes the boy deserved the way he was treated, he was just a burden to them anyway. But he was the last of Lily, he was her child. 

If Petunia and Vernon had died Lily surely would have taken Dudley in as her own. She wouldn't have treated Harry better than Dudley just because he wasn't magical. Petunia kept trying to justify her treatment of Harry, but that one thought kept popping into her head. 'Of course Lily would take good care of Dudley' she thought, 'she's perfect, she can't do anything wrong.' 

"You alright Pet?" Vernon asked putting his hand on the small of her back, it startled her just a bit. She looked up to see that Harry had gone down the stairs already, she could hear him pulling out the pans to start cooking breakfast,"Yes." Petunia answered, "Alright then, let's go. I want to read the paper, I heard that there's some criminal on the loose yesterday at work. Need to make sure he's not near here." Petunia nodded and went down stairs with her husband.


Harry was just pulling the bacon out when he heard a strangled noise come from his uncle. He looked up to see the man, purple-faced, looking down at the news paper. "Is something wrong Vernon?" Aunt Petunia asked, "Flip on the telly and put it on the news, that criminal I talked about is near here, they ought to be talking about him on there." Uncle Vernon said. Harry wondered what the criminal was doing around here.

   Harry looked up from what he was doing when he heard a familiar name being said, "Sirius Black? Sirius Black? I know that name." Harry said

"What are you on about boy? How would you know that name" Uncle Vernon said, clearly thinking Harry was the stupidest human to ever walk the earth, "I don't know. It just sound oddly familiar like-" Harry cut off and gasped when he saw the picture on the TV, "Padfoot?" He whispered, his voice breaking.

 Petunia and Vernon shared a look, "Huh?" Dudley said with his mouth full, confused as to why his cousin had a nickname for a murderer, "He- he can't be a murderer. No he, he..." Harry trailed off staring at the picture of Padfoot on the screen. His eyes were wet. It couldn't be. Pads wouldn't do that, no this had to be a mistake, Padfoot was sweet, and gentle, and a little sarcastic and snarky. He was just like Harry's mum in so many ways. He was Harry's dad's best friend. He- he couldn't accept that this was the Padfoot from his dreams. Harry thought back to this morning, when he wished that his parents' friends were alive. This was so much worse than them all being dead. So much worse.

"Harry?" A frightened voice called out to him Harry looked up to see Dudley completely freaked out and his Aunt and Uncle confused, "That man... He is a wizard. He- he was my dad's best friend. I don't understand." Harry said, then he looked up suddenly, "I need to use your fireplace." 

Dudley and Petunia looked confused, while Vernon looked angry, "Why do you need our fireplace?" He asked,"Uncle Vernon do you love Dudley and Aunt Petunia?" Harry asked, at Uncle Vernon's nod he continued, "That man is a wizard and is in the area, if he really is a criminal then you and your authorities will be able to do nothing that will stop him. I need to talk to some people from my world. Preferably before your sister gets here." Harry said straightening up. They all nodded and Harry went up to his room to get some of the floo powder he'd bought last year.

When Harry came down the stairs and into the sitting room, he found the Dursley's huddled on the couch furthest from the fireplace. Harry walked over. He had seen Mcgonagall do this last year while he was in detention. Hopefully everything went well. 

Harry pulled a handful of green powder out of the little bag, and threw it into the fireplace,"The Burrow!" He yelled, then knelt down and stuck his head into the fireplace snickering when he heard the gasps from the Dursleys.

Muggles don't just stick their heads into fireplaces. 

Harry's thoughts completely left his brain when his head started spinning around as though on that weird teacup ride at the fair. The spinning suddenly stopped and he was looking out into the Weasley's sitting room, even though his legs were still at the Dursleys. Harry spotted Ginny sitting on the couch in her pyjamas, reading. 'Good' Harry thought 'they're back from egypt' 

Ron had sent Harry a letter, much to the annoyance of Uncle Vernon, saying that he and his family would be going to Egypt, Harry was worried that they wouldn't yet be home and this floo call would be for nothing. "Ginny!" Harry practically yelled, he knew that the Dursley's could hear what he was saying and were probably very confused. She jumped nearly 2 feet in the air before seeing Harry in the fireplace.

"Merlin! Harry! What do you need!?" She asked

"Can you please go get your dad? I need to speak to him."

Ginny nodded and ran off to find her dad. Harry shifted his legs that were on the floor back at the Dursley's, it probably freaked them out, seeing Harry's legs moving around while his face was underneath seemingly burning pieces of charcoal. Harry turned his head. At the sound of footsteps to see Arthur Weasley speed-walking toward the fireplace.

"What's wrong Harry? Are you ok? Those muggles haven't done anything to you have they?" Mr. Wesley asked with a concerned look.

"Hi Mr. Weasley, I am fine, no they haven't done anything to me. I just had a few questions I needed to ask you... about Sirius Black."

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