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Mr. Weasley's face went white and he looked around, "I had better come through, Molly doesn't want me to tell you any of this, but I think you deserve to know. Give me a second and I'll be right there." Harry nodded and backed up out of the fireplace.

Harry stood up and shook the soot out of his hair. He stretched out his knees and cracked his neck, floo calling sucked. He looked over at the Dursleys and chuckled at there bewildered expressions.

"Someone will be coming through the fireplace in a few minutes," Harry said. He turned to his aunt, "Did my mum never do this when she was young?" He asked 

Petunia shook her head, "That boy lived in the neighborhood right next to ours so she had no need." Petunia said sneering.

"My father lived in a muggle neighborhood? Brilliant!" Harry said thinking of how they must've grown up together.

"No not your father! He lived a long ways away. Not in our world. That Snape boy. He lived over the hill. Lily and he used to play up at the park. He was even more of a freak than Lily, always wore patchy black clothes that were too big, and thought he was better than me." She sniffed.

"He stopped coming around when Lily turned 15 though, She cried for the entire summer. I always knew he was bad news."

Harry's face went white and he was about to spew out a million questions, but the fire in the fireplace went green signaling Mr. Weasley's arrival.

"We will talk about Snape and my mum later." Harry told her so firmly, that she didn't dare argue.

Mr. Weasley stepped through the fireplace carrying a few pieces of paper. He looked up and saw the Dursleys huddled up against the couch and shot a confused look at Harry.

"Muggles don't use their fireplaces for transportation, or communication, this is weird for them." Harry said.

Mr. Weasley made and 'Ah' sound and nodded.

"Well let's sit and you can tell us about pa- Sirius Black." Harry said.


"So... Sirius Black escaped Alcatraz-" Vernon was cut off by Harry's correction of, "Azkaban" he waved it off and continued, "This man escaped an inescapable prison, and you now believe that he is after the boy?" Uncle Vernon said looking like he had just been told he was the second messiah.

"Well, yes. We don't know how he escaped, but we do know that he was the one to sell Lily and James out to He-who-must-not-be-named and that-" Mr Weasley was cut off by an enraged noise made by Harry.

"It just doesn't make sense.  He was my father's best friend why would he sell out his own best friend!" Harry shouted. He was angry, and confused he didn't want Padfoot to be a murderer, Padfoot couldn't have been the one to sell out his parents. He had to have been framed. Why couldn't it have been Wormy. He was creepy anyway, he looked like a rat. 

"Padfoot is not a murderer, he was probably framed. Are you sure that he sold out my parents?" Harry said a little more calmly.

"Harry," Mr.Weasley started in the same voice he used to calm Ron down after a tantrum.

"I know you don't want to believe this, one one does, but who else could've done it. We have evidence stating that Sirius Black was going to be the secret keeper for your parents when he-who-must-not-be-named started targeting them. If they did switch secret keepers, we have no record of it. And to add to that, the guards heard him saying, 'he's at hogwarts' over and over again in his sleep-" 

Mr.Weasley was cut off by Harry, "he could've been talking about anybody. He could've been talking about Goyle for all we know!" Harry shouted.

"Harry, who does everyone that was ever loyal to you-know-who want to hurt?" Mr. Weasley asked looking intensely at Harry, 

"me." He mumbled

Exactly and all of our evidence says that he was a follower of you-know-who. He comes from the Black family, who are all  followers of you know who. Sirius was known to play cruel pranks while he was in school, and his brother was a death eater." Arthur said softly.

"I know. I know I'm sorry." Harry said, his voice breaking a little,"I- he was...they were best friends."

"I know Harry, I know" Arthur said, pulling Harry into a hug.

After he had calmed Harry down, Mr. Weasley turned to the Dursley's, who were looking a bit uncomfortable at the emotional display they had just seen.

"If it's true what you said, that Sirius Black is in the area, then Harry should probably come with me, as long as that's ok with him, as well as you all. You, of course, are welcome to come too, if you fear for your safety." Harry thought that it was really nice of Mr.Weasley to offer his home to the Dursley's, but they would never go. 

Just as Harry thought, Uncle Vernon scoffed and said, "No thank you, we've had enough magic mishaps with the boy living here, we don't need an entire house full of magic. You may take the boy though"

Mr. Weasley shrugged and looked over at Harry, "Is that okay with you? You would stay with Ron up in his room, don't worry we have plenty of things for you to do. The twins will probably entertain you just fine, hopefully you won't get too homesick." He told Harry.

Harry nodded eagerly and said,"That sounds great! I have to pack my trunk though." Arthur nodded.

"That is fine take your time, I will go tell Molly that you're coming, you just come through whenever you're ready, and don't go getting lost again!" Mr. Weasley chuckled, stepping into the fire place. 


After Mr. Weasley left, Harry ran up stairs and started shoving all of his belongings into his trunk. After getting all of his clothes packed, he ran down stairs and might've had an "accidental" burst of magic that unlocked the cupboard door. "Whoops." Harry breathed as he leant down to grab his books and broom.

He was just backing out of the cupboard with his stuff in hand when he saw Dudley come around the corner with the key to the cupboard in hand. "Well you're excited aren't you?" he said sarcastically, "There's a mass murderer after you and here you are acting as though it's christmas." 

Harry laughed. Since Harry came back from his second year, Dudley has stopped bullying him so much. Harry assumed Dudley had always known the way he's been treated was wrong, but didn't realize the extent of it until he was being starved and kept in his room. Dudley had come and apologized to him on the first day of summer break. He had said 'Harry, I want to apologize for how I've treated you. I didn't realize how awful I had been to you, until last year. Even prisoners are given three hot meals a day, you were barely getting a cold can of soup a week. I can honestly tell you that they guilt has been eating away at me all year. I want to do whatever I can to make it up to you.' 

Harry had gaped at him for a hot second, before shaking his hand and telling him that his apology was greatly appreciated, but it would take a while for him to be truly and completely forgiven.

 "Well yes Dudley, I always have some type of mass murderer or madman after me, so this is nothing new. Also, they don't make me do all of their chores and Mrs. Weasley loves me. So it basically is Christmas." Harry shoved all of his books into his trunk. "Guess you won't be needing this then?" Dudley said holding up the key. Harry shook his head and walked into the sitting room, Dudley following.

Vernon and Petunia were still sitting on the couch having a conversation in hushed tones, both looking worried. Harry cleared his throat. "I'm leaving now. I've prepared everything for breakfast already, you just have to cook it. The roast in the slow cooker and needs to be taken out in 3 hours, and there's pudding in the refrigerator for when Aunt Marge gets here. You are almost out of milk, I haven't done the shopping list yet so you'll need to take inventory before you go out to the shops on friday. Um, all the chores are done except for the vacuuming, and the tomatoes in the garden will need to be picked within the next two days or else they'll rot. And- Well this is your house, I'm sure you know what needs to be done." 

Petunia pursed her lips and looked back at Vernon. "Harry..." Harry looked at her expectantly, it's not everyday she called him by his given name, "Be careful" Harry stared at her for a few moments, then nodded his head. "I will be"

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