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It had been 6 hours since schlatt had passed out, his phone buzzed with yet another missed call but luckily it had woken the man up from his slumber.

waking up from his "nap", Schlatt sat up and scratched his head,


barely opening his eyes he felt a sudden pain in his head and stomach, feeling the need to throw up, he got up and ran to the sink which sat in tge corner of his large kitchen. Stumbling back to the black lether couch, Schlatt picked his phone up which lay near the flatscreen tv that dominated the living space, turning it on, the man saw 157 misses calls and 200 messages.

"what?, whos been calling me this much? From 10pm last night to 11:39 am right now???"

scrolling through the missed calls and messages list business man had come to the conclusion that every call was from phil, phil was the adoptive father to 3 children, Tommy, Wilbur and Techno, Schlatt had known the family since they had moved in across the street. "Theyre a nice family dont get me wrong, just a little...wild..?" He'd say to everyone who asked about them, despite that Tommy and Tubbo seemed like amazing friends which was good enough for Schlatt.

After about an hour of Schlatt calling Phil back and explaining everything their conversation ended with Phil needing to prepare the boys lunches. As it was about lunch time, Schlatt decided to stay in and have a nice pizza for lunch. Just before opening the fridge he felt a pain in his head, you see, the whole day hed been hungover with the monstrocites of last night still not leaving his brain he'd been throwing up alot, the pain was horrendous the kind of pain you feel when you hit your head on a car door or on a garage of some kind, in sumary not very nice.

He clung to the tabletops to keep himself steady before rushing into the bathroom and throwing up into the toilet, again. He decided that food was not a good idea and settled with a glass of water and the cricket on the tv, shit sport but it was all that he could find that didnt make his head feel as if it was going to combust, loud noises amd headaches do NOT mix.

after about 1-2 hours of Schlatt working on his laptop with some stupid tv show on in the background he began to feel much much better, as the headache that pained him so much started to drift off and before he knew it he felt right as rain. Deciding to take advantage of his new found energy the man decided it would be nice to take a walk to get out of this stuffy house and to clear his head from everything around him.

Schlatt adored walks, it was a way for him to escape this horrible business filled world he lived in and go to this enchanted like place filled with greenery, birds and so many other calming things and it was a great way to stay fit, although alot of the time he would just listen to music and block everyone else out, he called it his "break time" since he worked from home.

sighing, he got up and streched before grabbing his shoes, phone and headphones then left the mansion like house, staring at it now it seemed larger and made it feel like it loomed judgingly over Schlatt but right now he was on break. And no one was gonna stop that. It was his time for himself which he never got to do much with taking care of both Tubbo and his business, Schlatt nd co, but as he put his earphones in he slumped down and began to walk down the road leading to the forrest, making sure to match his walking with the beat of the song he was listening to.

«𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀: 666»

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