Prologue (Chapter 0)

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disclaimer of disclaimer: I see everyone putting disclaimers saying their story gonna trash so might as well do it too.

disclaimer:  This is my first story so it probably sucks and also this is in Springbonnie's POV. Another thing this isn't entirely from the games storyline, and Springbonnie is a boy in this story, so sorry if you'd rather have girl Springbonnie.

(uh idk how to start this so ill just go directly) 

I woke up for the first time...everything was dark. I could hear muttering about something and slowly opened my eyes. Then I saw two people standing there, one noticed me. "IT'S ALIVE!  IT'S ALIVE!!" Someone said. "Jesus christ it's just a simple eye movement Henry," Another said. "I know, but still." Henry said. "Uh, what's going on?" I said to which the other one replied back to, "Oh, you talk, thought Henry screwed up something again...Well I'll explain shortly. You're Springbonnie, an animatronic designed to entertain kids." He said. "So I'm a robot?" I replied back to. "Mhm. Now let me introduce your to your new home, follow me." He said. I followed him to the party room.

"Here's your stage, where you'll be entertaining kids. Well I guess that's it since that's where you'll always be." He said. I glanced at the stage, seeing another animatronic "Hey what's that?" I asked. "Ooh yeah, that's your band partner Fredbear. He's deactivated right now." He said. Fredbear looked familiar, like I was meant to perform with him, well I guess I was but it was still strange. I looked around to get a good view at the place, but then was interrupted by the man, "Also, before I go, my names William." He said. "Alright.."William"...What do I do now?" I questioned. "Ehh, get on stage, for the grand opening will be in 30 minutes." He said. "Wait, but what do I do then-" Before I could finish, he had already left. I sighed and sat on stage, to which Fredbear was finally activated. Fredbear looked at me and said, "Oh hey- you're the new animatronic right?" I nodded. "The names Fredbear. Mind if you show you around?" He asked. "My name's Springbonnie. And I'd rather be showed how to perform because that "William" guy never told me." I asked in desperation that I was going to fail on my first performance. "Oh! He never told me too, but all you got to do is listen to your heart, and let the programming take control, after we are robots." He said. "Do robots even have hearts?" Him and I chuckled. "Well, any more questions?" He questioned. "Yes, how are we self aware, or at least I think?" I asked. "I honestly don't know, but the grand opening is in 5 mintues, so get yourself ready!" He said. I felt nervous about it but didn't know why.

5 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳...

I started to hear children coming, which made me even more tense. "Hey, don't be so nervous, you got this!" He whispered. I kept repeating what he said in my head; Just listen to your programming, Just listen to your programming, I thought. How would I be able to listen to my programming if I was already self aware in the first place?! I snapped out of it and realized the kids were already in the building. I tried so hard to "listen to my programming" but it didnt budge. The song was about to begin and I didn't know what to do. But as soon as I heard the start-up music I instantly knew how to play it and the lyrics and all. Soon I was already playing the hardest guitar solo in town! Something about the children, the setting, everything about the party was making me happy! Me and Fredbear played like never before then.

𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳...

"Whoowee! That was a long day." Fredbear exclaimed "Sure was!" I added. "Well, now what?" I asked. "I'm feeling tired, so I guess we sleep?" He said. I was still full of energy and ready to perform. "But I'm not tired." I said. "Well I'm going to sleep either so good night, Spring bonnie." He said to which I replied back, "Good night to you too, Fredbear.." I said. "Something wrong?" He asked. "O-oh nothing's wrong, I just don't like being alone in the darkness." "Oh, sorry about that, but I'm super tired and I just want to go to sleep right now.." He said. "That's fine..." I disappointedly said. He looked at me in a concerned way, and then deactivated. Well now what that I'm alone? If I tried to go to sleep I couldn't. I started thinking about my creators who I assumed to be William and Henry. I noticed that William"WELL It's not like something bad could happen, right?" I nervously laughed. Then I remembered seeing tons of people saying that on T.V while performing, before something went wrong. "Well I guess I'm cursed now haha.." Then there was a long silence full of dread. Atleast I learned something today, that I HATE being alone. I tried going to sleep again, to which it finally worked.

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺...

I peacefully rose up yawning and stretching. (ye ignore the logic where robots can yawn and stretch.) Fredbear was still asleep. I decided to leave him alone. While looking for something to do, I accidentally bumped into William, noticing he was still wearing the purple uniform from yesterday for some reason. "Oh- I'm sorry William.." I mumbled. He sighed. He looked me right in the eyes and said, "Watch you're back today, Spring bonnie." Then gave me a creepy smile. I didn't want to ask why because I already knew he was up to no good. I watched my back VERY often after that, thinking he would come and attack me from behind or do whatever. Then saw Fredbear on stage. "Wh- How did you get up there so fast??" I said surprisingly, then looked at parts and service, then back at him again. He must have sneaked by while I was distracted. "Teleportation skills!" He chuckled "Also, I forgot to tell you something Springbonnie." "..Well what is it..?" I asked. "I forgot to mention you and I were spring lock suits, It even has it in your name heheh" "Is that good? bad? because you never told what it was!" I said. "Oh yeah. Well it isn't really a good thing, to be perfectly honest..." We were left in silence for about half a minute while he figured how to try and make it sound not as bad before the children were already here. "Yay! The children are finally here, it was getting boring!" I said in glee.

About 20 minutes into the performance, I noticed William (who I'll call purple guy from now on) ...Was staring at me. In a VERY unsettling way. Then a kid noticed my concern. "Hey Springbonnie, are you okay?" He said softy. "O-oh yeah I'm fine! Just a little tired from my last performance hehe!..." I said horribly hiding the fact something was wrong. He walked away in concern. "Psst! Fredbear!" I whispered. "Yeah?" He replied back. "Somethings wrong with William... He keeps staring at me.. almost menacingly..." I said sounding distressed. "Dude you're just overthinking it, calm down!" He whispered back. I let out a sigh. He finally stopped after about 30 minutes. I think he just made a plan...I hope Fredbear is right and that I'm just overthinking...

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