The Slaughter (Chapter 1.5)

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After William did whatever to me..I woke up in parts and service,which was weird, considering the saferoom existed. But then my heart dropped when I found out the room was covered in blood stains..and so was I.. I didn't know what to do about it, since I couldn't just wash it off. My endo was also hurting terribly. I thought.. and thought... What did William do? I also saw two animatronics covered in blood as well, except I saw something inside them. Corpses. I was so scared and didn't know what to do. I tried to get out of the room, but it was barricaded from the outside. I then remembered the vent I tried to crawl through, in attempt at an escape. But that was sealed off too. But Fredbear's vent wasn't. I also noticed it was the dead of night. William even forgot to repair the vent. "You stupid psychopath, William."  I mumbled. I climbed through the vent, finding another room. But Fredbear was no where to be seen. "I don't wanna be alone..." I thought.

I got into the main room through another vent, night vision still not working. I then felt a wall in front of me, accidentally walking into it. I went to the right, leaning against the wall. BAM! I fell down onto the concrete after leaning on the wall, at least there was a new room. "Ow..I hope that didn't cause noise.." I said. I went to feel counters and strange objects. I was in the kitchen. I then went to search for the sink, to wash off the blood stains. After one hard hour of washing and washing, I got rid of the blood. I sighed and got out of the room. I heard generators turn on for some reason. "What the..?" I said quietly. Then all the lights turned on blinding me for a moment. "AGH! Who turned on the lights?"  I whispered. I saw cars pull up to the building a few minutes later. I needed to hide. I quickly ran into an office, as I didn't want go back to parts and service, with all the blood and gore... "I hope this isn't William's office..." I thought. It turned out it was, as I saw him walk in. I was hiding in another closet. He then left a few minutes later after looking at a few papers. I saw him go to parts and service, from the window in the door. Watching him do that was like last night all over again..even though I wasn't in there. I then saw him come out of there talking in an angry manner. Atleast I was safe from him, he wouldn't check the same spot right? Yeah that thought aged bad. He came into his office again, staring at the closet. "This is it." I thought. He opened it, and MILISECONDS after, I pushed him away and ran like never before. "I couldn't keep hiding in this building! I gotta get outta here!" I thought, but then remembered Fredbear, and for some reason tried to look for him for help. I bolted into parts and service again. Yeah I know, stupid idea. It was even stupider when I realized Fredbear's vent was now closed off. So there I was, crying my eyes out in disbelief, literally repeating last night. I hid in the closet as a last attempt, yet knowing William wouldn't be that stupid, and he would also hear me. Once he opened the closet door, I didn't even try to fight back, it was already too late.

He winded my spring locks, or atleast I thought, but forgot to deactivate me. So yeah, I guess had to suffer even more by watching what he'd do helplessly. I tried to rewind the spring locks, so I could take control again, but it didn't budge. I could see William just standing there, kneeling down, contemplating something. I also tried to scream, but that didn't work either. I screamed like it was the last day on earth, but it was only in my head. "HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!" after a few minutes, I gave up, and so did William do for his contemplating. He picked me up, then place me down more sturdy, and ripped my arm off and put it on his. I screamed in my head, even though it didn't hurt for some reason. He ripped me off limb by limb, and was... wearing me? I guess this is why Fredbear didn't want to tell me what spring locks fully were. I tried so hard to get control back, but it didn't budge. I guess William noticed this, because he kept stopping to see if he was making quick movements, as if he were almost triggering the spring locks. I watched as he kept moving step by step, controlling my every movement. It was weird.

He then greeted some kids, and told them to follow him somewhere. I wanted to tell them so badly, "Don't listen to him! He'll kill you!" But I just couldn't. When I said he was controlling my every movement, I meant it. I couldn't even blink. I hope I didn't have to see some gory stuff, although it probably will happen. I didn't wanna watch those kids die, especially by me! The kids followed him into the room. Then William took out a knife. All I could do was watch the slaughter, as he stabbed them again and again and again. It was so traumatizing seeing this. I tried my hardest to take control but couldn't. I was getting exhausted from doing so. I just wanted for this all to stop. After watching him kill two kids, I was out of words. After they were dead, he stuffed them into the other animatronics. He then took me off and violently threw me on the ground. He noticed I wasn't deactivated after doing so. "Oh! You had to witness that whole thing, huh? No wonder you kept almost tripping the spring locks, fool." He laughed. I wanted to punch him so badly. "The best part is that nobody will believe you if you tell them, or they'll just bring you to me." He laughed harder. It was irritating to watch this sicko. "Well goodnight, robot." He said. "Goodnight, Psychopath." I thought, before he deactivated me. 

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