The Castle in the Woods

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Chi's POV

It was dark within the cold wilderness, as the trees were losing leaves from the wind, the bushes tremble from the cold, and what lies in between is a path that leads to nowhere. Chi was on that trail, getting away from the conflict that she had to deal with back at home, with her shivering from the gust of wind, she puts up her hoodie that was attached to her grey jacket, that covered her and her purple t-shirt. She felt miserable, wanting to cry, wanting to end this suffering. That was until she came across what it looked like two doors, engraved upon a stone wall. Chi rubbed her eyes thinking it was some sort of illusion, but it truly wasn't. She walked towards the two doors and puts her firmed right hand onto the right door's handle. Then, when they took a breath, she opens the door.

Barnaby's POV

He was still upon his chair, the ghost owl who was known as Barnaby. After sipping his cup of tea, he gave a heavily sigh, like he was upset.
"Oh... I never thought it would get this lonely around the castle... despite hosting those fun parties with my ghostly friends..." Barnaby sighed.
He gazed upon a picture of his past, and his family that was there for him, even before death, he wished to be with them forever, but it wasn't possible ever since his life took an unfortunate turn.
"If only I had someone around to bring me smiles..." He added while looking down at his cup, the reflection of the red liquid bounced as he stared into it like it was a mirror. "If only, dear friend..."

Just when he was about to sip some more tea, he heard a loud slam of a door inside his castle, causing him to jump, accidentally spilling the tea on the carpet floor. "Oh dear!" He barked.
"I just had that floor cleaned!"
Barnaby growls in frustration before getting up from his chair. He wanted to know what was making that noise. Maybe it was a visitor he was desperately seeking for after all this time. With no time to think, he immediately flew into the shadows so he wouldn't be seen by the person who came upon his castle.
Suddenly, he heard a fainted voice, echoing down the halls.
"Hello?" The voice rang.
Barnaby fixed his swirling eyes at a... human!? If that's what he could make out. It was Chi who came into his castle without his consent. He was amazed at the sight of that being like it was something he never seen before. The fact that he knew that she was shivering from the cold made him have pity for her, and with him knowing she felt miserable, he decided to try to make her smile, without letting himself be seen.
And just like that, he spied on Chi with a firm wide grin that crossed both corners of his face.

Chi's POV

She finally got shelter during the cold autumn night. But her mind wanders into the depths of the halls that grew oh so dark. Chi sniffles a bit as if she was gonna cry with tears of joy, knowing that she rest. She sighed and relaxed her shoulders, which was feeling so tense. But that wasn't until she felt a finger tickling her neck. "H-hey!" She cracked a smile on her face as she giggled a bit from the finger that was touching her neck, which felt like a claw? It was hard to explain for her, when she swatted away the hand that was doing this sort of mischief. "What the heck was that?" Chi asked herself as she rubbed her neck. That's when she heard a chuckle from upon the ceiling, making her body fill up with a slight pinch of fear.
"Uhuhuhuhu! You're so giggly when I tickle your necky!" A voice from the dark said.
"Who... who's there!?" Chi asked.
"Oh you'll see..."
And from the sound of the snapping fingers, reality becomes a swirling mess, causing Chi to get dizzy and tumble backwards into another room. What are the odds of this peculiar entity?

As Chi slowly gained control of her sight, she finds herself in a room where it was faintly lit by a fireplace, that was underneath a portrait of Barnaby, holding an apple within his claw.  She seemed to feel warm when she felt the heat if the fire and rubbed her arms up and down.  As Chi felt comfortable with the surroundings so far, she decided to take a seat in a surprisingly soft chair and relaxed for a moment or two.  And with a sigh of relief, she soon jerks her head up to find a door that she came from slightly opening.  Revealing three fingers on the side of it...

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