Time Flies When You're Having Fun

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Chi's POV

Hours of no words, but slight movement can be felt around the room Chi was in, with the sound of the clocks ticking downstairs seemingly felt calm and somewhat satisfying to the ears.  As she slept, all seemed calm, that is until a few hours pass... and she hears the sound of the owl screeching out of nowhere, causing her to wake up with a panic attack.
"Rise and shine, dear! It's another beautiful day!" Barnaby hoots happily as he stands upside down above Chi's bed.
Chi was breathing fast as she clutched her chest while doing so.
"Barnaby what the heck!? You could've gave me a heart attack!" She said aloud.
"NO!" Barnaby shouted with a worried tone, which caught Chi off guard.
"I.. I mean... I'm sorry... I just wanted to get you up. I didn't mean to harm you..."
Chi was about to say something but sighed. "It's okay... I guess..."
"But I did came to bring you a little surprise!" Barnaby said with a goofy grin.
"Really?" Chi asked as she got out of bed.
"You have to close you eyes first!" Barnaby giggled. Chi would then close her eyes.
"Okay now open!" Barnaby said aloud.
Chi opened her eyes and what she saw made her heart soften... it was but a plushed owl with big adorable eyes.
This made Chi's eyes water up as she witnessed the small stuffed toy.
"It's yours my dear." Barnaby said as he handed the toy to her.
"Barnaby... you... you shouldn't have..." Chi hugged the plushed owl as she looked at him with tears in her eyes.
"I knew you would love it. I knew it!!" Barnaby hoots happily. "It's so nice and soft like my feathers. So whenever you feel sad, you will have that in a way of comforting yourself. Plus, it will remind you of me...your..fa-..friend."
Chi would hug Barnaby as she whimpered a bit by sheer joy. She could feel the owl hug her back and was happy to see her cry tears of joy.

Barnaby's POV

The way he held Chi felt quite familiar to him. As if he's experienced this before in another time in his life... back when he was... alive. Yet... he felt so fonded with this living creature that he can't help but keep her around for a bit longer.
"Chi?" Barnaby asked.
"Yeah?" Chi raised her head up.
"Why not you take some time off of helping with the party. I want to get to know you more." Barnaby said with a smile. "And don't worry about me, I plan ahead before the fun begins after all!"
"I mean... if you say so..." Chi said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two would proceed to have a chat with one another in Barnaby's "tea party" room, where he and Chi were sitting on opposite ends of the table while enjoying regular tea and some snacks on the table.
"I hope you like cupcakes and cookie sandwiches. They are always the best for these little parties. Hoohoo!" Barnaby says cheerfully as he pours himself a cup of tea, before doing the same for Chi.
"Thank you." Chi smiled before taking the cup and was about to drink it.
"Oh! Don't forget the sugar cubes!" Barnaby shouted as he held the sugar cube bowl.
Chi sets down her cup so Barnaby could put a couple of cubes in each cup before stirring both with his two talons.
"Say Chi... what's been on your mind?" He asked after stirring the cups.

Chi's POV

Chi picked up her cup and took a sip.
"Nothing much just... thinking about my family back home."
Chi didn't look at Barnaby as she looks into the reflection in her tea.
"I... gotten into a fight with someone named Lucy. She and I along with Amelia have known each other way back then. Just recently we argued about her not helping around the house and she just started to get aggressive and... everything just happened all at once. I didn't know what to do so I guess... left home for sometime. That's when I found your castle. And here I am with-" Chi looked up and sees Barnaby staring blankly at the table. This gets Chi concerned and she tilted her head.
"Barnaby? Barnaby!" She sees Barnaby snap back into reality.
"Oh! Hoohoo! Apologies! I just... had a moment. Hoohoo... But yes I am terribly sorry that you had a fight with a close family member... or a friend that's considered family that is..."
"It's fine. Besides after all of this, I... don't know if Lucy would even care about me still."
"Now don't say that! I'm sure she still cares about you! She would care about your well being even if it was just some argument that led you here. And... I'm terribly sorry that I forced you to stay against your very will..."
"Like I said it's fine... I've gotten over it. Even though you... tried to drug me i just know you are just a good person. You just... have a questionable moral compass is all."
"Hoohoo of course of course... it's all water under the bridge... can't go through life with holding any grudges..."
The two stayed quiet before Barnaby talked.
"Would you like a cupcake?"

Narrative POV

As time flies by, day by day, Barnaby and Chi would start to bond in a platonic manner. They would help each other with parties and play games with the ghosts in the party, and even sing songs to the party. It all was just a whole month of entertaining themselves and others, all foe the sake of keeping themselves happy.

Barnaby POV

After tucking Chi into bed, the ghost owl retreats into his own room where he seemingly looks at the clocks that ticked in unison. Time does fly when you're having fun... he was about to go upside down to sleep, until his wing bumped into a table, knocking a few things over. He quickly picks them up, but then... he finds a picture of two familiar figures. One is of a small owlet, half of their face is cut out of the picture, and then there was himself... But he was different than he was now. Someone he hasn't seen in a long time. Someone he tried to forget...

He picked up at the picture to examine it, before getting a crayon and paper to draw a small version of Chi and place her over the small owlet to make the picture seem whole. He would then frame it and finally go to sleep... upside down of course.

And now... silence.

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