The Proposition

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Barnaby's POV

As slowly as he could, he opened the door with one of his claws, trying to not startle Chi while she was still in the chair.  And as he opened the door wide enough, he squeezes himself through the door, having a stupid grin on his face.  "Hello hello!" he spoke. "I see you've trespassed my little domain! You shouldn't have done that y'know?"
"Oh I'm sorry, sir..." Chi replied. "I didn't know this place really was your home..."
"Oh uhuhuhuhu! Don't worry about it, my dear! And call me Barnaby!"
Barnaby walks over to the other chair that was sitting across the chair Chi was sitting in and gently sat down.  With a snap of his fingers, he summons a tray of two cups and a teapot full of tea.
"Would you like some tea from all of the trouble?" He said, sticking his orange tongue out.
"Well I mean... I don't think I should..." Chi spoke in a nervous tone.
Barnaby pours a cup for Chi anyways and hands it to her. "Oh don't worry! It's not poison!"
"Why would it be? Were you planning to poison me or something?
"Heavens to Betsy NO! I wouldn't dare to poison such an interesting figure as yourself!"

Chi's POV

Chi looked at the weird ghost bird as she sips on some tea. "So... Barnaby?"
"You must be some kind of owl, right?"
"Why yes indeed! In fact, I'm not just any owl! I'm a ghost!"
Chi was shocked at how she didn't realize it.  How could she be a complete dum dum?
Chi watches as Barnaby sips his cup of tea, then stretches his beck to look at Chi closely, making her sweat.
"You know... I could use someone like you to help me with parties around here!" He said.
"Oh. Parties?" Chi asked.
"Mhmm! But there's one problem... I need someone alive, you see? Someone who can manage my parties that i host once a night. Or a week perhaps." Barnaby explained. "Usually I kill my victim just to let them join my party. But for you, you get to live!"
"Wait what!? Kill!?"
Chi jumps up from her chair and stands back from Barnaby.
"Oh? Are you leaving? Oh so soon?" Barnaby asked as he retracts his neck to its proper position.
"Why not you stay for a while? So I can get to know you? Hm?"
"N-no thanks!" Chi said, reaching the door handle. "I think I really should be going." And just like that, Chi darted out the door.

"HEY!" Barnaby screamed as he flew out the doors, just to give chase. Chi ran down the halls as fast as her long legs can get. But something came up to her. It made her dizzy, slowly making her drowsy and tumble and fall.
"Wh-wha..." Chi faintly spoke.
"Oh whoops! Looks like I gave you the wrong type of tea! Huhuhuhu!" Barnaby laughed as he caught up to Chi. He grabs Chi before she fell to the harden floor.
"You... flipping drugged me?...." Chi asked.
"Shhh... sleep!" Barnaby said, covering her face with his left wing.

Barnaby's POV

And after a few moments, he takes his wing off her face and notices the sleeping Chi that was being held on his right wing.
Barnaby smiled as he took her to a guest room and placed her on the bed.
Then when he covered her with a blanket, he said, "Tomorrow, it's gonna be a new day for the both of us!" And with a smile on his face, he left the room with Chi sleeping peacefully.
Barnaby was happy now that he has someone to have. Someone to play games with, chat with them every now and then. It's like he wanted a family of his own... and now he's starting small.

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