First Day as an Assistant

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Chi's POV

She wakes up, with her eyes slowly opening. Gazing in her surroundings, she come to realize that she was in a room that was faintly lit with four candles, that were on the desk and near a table next to the bed. Chi sits up as she stretches her arms, and everything else attached to her body.  Then out of nowhere, she came to actually remember what has happened to her.  'That stupid owl drugged me!' She thought to herself.  And somehow, he took her into this room just to lock her in there until he comes back. That's only what she could get out.
Just when Chi was about to get up from the bed, Barnaby suddenly appears in front of her with his neck extending from what it seems to be from the ceiling.
"Good morning!" He said. That made Chi jump and fall onto the bed.
"What the heck!? Barnaby!" She screamed.
"Oh come on now. It's okay! There's nothing to be worried about, sweetie!" Barnaby's body flies down from the ceiling, landing on the floor with his neck retracting to it's rightful position.
"Are you ready for your first day as my little assistant?"
"Uhm..." Chi felt a bit nervous, and with herself not knowing much about Barnaby, she's not fully determined to work for a stranger like him.
"I'll take that as a 'yes!'! Huhuhu!"
Barnaby snaps his fingers and Chi's outfit alternates into a black tuxedo with a hot pink bow tie.  Chi was amazed at the trick he pulled and seemed to not care about her worrisome thoughts anymore.
"Do you like it? I made it just for you! So we could both be bow buddies!" Barnaby said happily.
Well I guess Chi can roll with this until her friends find her.

Barnaby's POV

He was glad to see Chi having a sense of amazement.  Seeing her have sparkles in her eyes somewhat makes his day a whole lot brighter.
"Alright now, let's get to work!" Barnaby opens the door for Chi to go through.
"Thanks." Chi said as she walked through the door.
The both of them made their way through the halls and into a huge room.
"This here is the ballroom!" Barnaby explained. "What I want you to do is help clean the floors and decorate the walls!"
"You mean like... we're throwing a ball?" Chi asked.
"Why wouldn't we?"
Barnaby picks up a nearby mop and gives it to Chi.
"You wouldn't mind if I could give you some water to use that there mop, yes?" Barnaby asked Chi.
"I wouldn't at all." Chi responded with a smile.
"Excellent!" Barnaby patted Chi on the head with his wing and left to get a bucket of water.

During his little adventure from finding a bucket, he finally finds one.  Now all he needs is water.  He believed that he had a fountain in his little dungeon that he keeps for emergencies.  Wonder why...
So he went to the basement to get water, and rushes back to the ballroom, where he finds Chi missing.  He realizes this and throws a fuss about it.
"Oh, so she dares to play hide and seek? Huhuhuhu! I must warn her that I'm great at all games that involve hiding, seeking, and chasing~"

Chi's POV

She was down in the right hallway, trying to find a way out of this insane asylum.  Why is she trying to escape now? Could she wait until her friends find her here?  Her patience was wearing thin, unfortunately.  Chi hears Barnaby scream for her when he knew she wasn't in the ballroom.  It didn't take long until Chi breaks a window and jumps out of it.
Could've opened the window and jumped through.
She falls gracefully down who's knows how long until she hits the ground.  However, just before she hits the ground, Barnaby swoops in and saves her from a huge fall to freedom.
Chi closed her eyes, fearing the worst out of Barnaby, but instead was given a huge hug from him after he bring both himself and her back into the castle.
"Don't you DARE do that ever again!" Barnaby screamed, holding Chi close with his wings. "You scared me to death..."
She tried to get away from this maniac, but his grip was surpisingly strong.
Now, she gives in to the embrace and laid her head on his chest.
"I'm sorry..." she said.
"Why did you do that?" Barnaby whimpered.
"I wanted to see if I could fly?"
Barnaby soon laughed at the fib, not knowing if it was a lie. "Oh you silly goose! Humans can't fly! Only birds like me can fly! You're nothing more than some featherless mammal if you ask me!"
Chi shakes that off as Barnaby let's go of her.
"Now get back to preparing the ballroom!" He said as he leads her back into the huge room.

Later on, Chi has finished cleaning up, tired and worn out from scrubbing and mopping every inch of the room.
Barnaby came by to check on her, and notices her weary eyes and sleepy state.
"Well done, Chi! Everything looks so shiny!" Barnaby said as his eyes looked dazzled at the clean room. "Since you did so well, you get to do the decorations later."
"Oh okay." Chi agreed, nodding a little.
"For now, follow me!" Barnaby picks up Chi and puts her on his back.
"Uhm... why?" Chi asked.
"You'll see!" Barnaby said with a wink.
And just like that, Barnaby flew off with Chi on his back, clinging to dear life.
Where is she taking her? Who knows...

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