The Gift Of Art

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Chi's POV

As the blew in her face as Barnaby flew her to a room where moonlight reaches, she was let down to the floor and was able to move on her own. As she looked forward, she noticed that it was a large room with books and paintings of people Barnaby have met in the past. There was a blank canvas that was in the center of the room as well as a few paint buckets and paintbrushes. Her eyes sparkled as she looked around the room in awe.
"You... you made these?" Chi asked as she looked at Barnaby.
"It was out of my heart that I can make such wonderful pieces for my friends to hang them in this one room." Barnaby said as he gestures around the room. "Of course I ran out of space so I put the other pictures everywhere in the castle! Hoohoo!" The owl extends his neck from his body before moving his head over to the blank canvas. "However... There is one canvas that isn't painted within this room... and that's where me and you will be!"
Chi touched her chest at the sudden thought of Barnaby painting a picture of her and him out of kindness as she felt so touched. She never thought of anything up her ally in such a while. It was pleasant to know that he was kind enough to do such a thing.
"You... want to paint a picture of me and you?" She asked softly.
"Why yes indeed! You ARE my assistant after all!" Barnaby's head goes next to Chi. "I mean of course you're alive but I do feel something from you that makes me feel like I just want to have you around! Surely... in time I May know more about you as you know more of me... I mean... that's what friends are For! Right?" Everything around them grew eerie as Barnaby's head expands, towering over Chi as she coward a bit.
"Yeah... yeah... that's what we do..." she nervously chuckled.

"Oohoohoo! Good! Now you sit down while I set everything up and paint our picture! There's some books with plank pages in them so you can write or doodle in them. Or maybe both! Oohoohoo! I can't wait to see what we do in here!"
Chi,nods before going to the shelf, pulling out a book that had blank pages in them. Inside, a pencil falls out and she was quick to get it as she sits down on a chair and starts drawing away.

Barnaby's POV

Barnaby happily sets up painting supplies as multiple talons with paintbrushes in their grasp began to paint away on the blank canvas with ease and swiftness. He is known to break the logics in his domain so it's but a normal day for him as he just does it just because he can.
After a few short minutes of working on the canvas, the once blank canvas was now fully painted with himself and Chi, with his left wing hugging her.
"IT'S DONE!" he shouts aloud, causing Chi to jump.
"Whoa, and I thought it would take you hours..." Chi spoke quietly as she placed the book down on the table.
"Hoohoohoo! Not in my world~" he wiggled his clawed finger as he hoots happily. He then presents the painting to Chi as he lets her look at it.
"I may be rusty but at least I got us both together!" He added as he held the canvas.

Chi's POV

Chi smiled with glee as she saw the painting. "This is beautiful..."
"Hoohoo! I knew you would love it!" Barnaby happily hoots. "But wait... I think it's my turn to see your work!" His talon reached for the book on the table that Chi left behind. In response, she blushed a bit out of embarrassment.
"Oh uh... my drawings aren't as good as yours, Barnaby..." she chuckled as she hid her face.
"Nonsense!" Barnaby shouted as he looked at the pictures she drew in the pages of the book. "These drawings look so adorable! Why be so embarrassed by such creativity?"
"That's what I usually do... and I mean... it's a hobby of mine..." Chi looked up at Barnaby with a nervous expression.
"Well it's a wonderful hobby, my dear. And I'm glad I took you to this room." Barnaby smiled as he nuzzled his head on Chi's.
"Wow uh... gees, thank you... Barnaby." She smiled.
"You shouldn't thank me. Thank whoever inspired you to be a little artist. My... little artist..."

Barnaby's POV

The ghost owl looks down in silence as he seemed to look sad. But his mood swiftly changes back to his normal energetic behaviour. "Anyways! The party doesn't start until later! Hoohoo! Which means we have all the time we can have to ourselves! You and me! Like father- I mean like friend and friend! Hoohoo!"
"Okay so... what do you wanna do?" Chi asked as she crossed her arms.
"Hmmm... You know... I really want to play hide and seek. It's my favorite game ever since I was but an owlet! Hoohoo! It would be fun! One of us hides and-"
"The other one seeks. Yes I... heard the game and I've played it as a kid myself..." Chi interrupted Barnaby. "I apologise for interrupting.."
"Nonono it's fine. It's okay. I should apologise myself. Silly silly me! Hoohoo! Explaining an adult what that game is... how foolish!"
"Hey... don't be hard on yourself. Besides, if it makes it any better, I can be the hider and you can be the seeker."
"OH! I always loved being the seeker! Okay okay! Go hide... I'll count to teeeeeeeeeen~" The owl covers his eyes as he starts counting, while hearing the footsteps of the girl fading away as she left the room with him alone.
After counting, he uncovers his eyes and smiles.

Ready or not... here I come...

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