Chapter 9

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David held out the bottle to me, and the scent of the blood wafted under my nose. There was a trace of wine there, I could smell the alcohol; but underneath, overpowering it, was the scent of copper. Blood. I sat up on my knees, taking the bottle from him. They all watched with baited breath and curious eyes as I looked over the bottle. "Isn't this the bottle you had Michael drink from?" I asked. David nodded.

"The one Star said was filled with blood?" I said, grinning. David's smirk reappeared, his eyes cold. "She was teasing him," he said. "Like you were, telling him his rice was maggots and that the noodles were worms?" I said, teasing him just a bit. He nodded.

I moved to straddle him, taking a swig from the bottle and holding it in my mouth. I kissed him, passing the blood to him, feeling him shudder as the blood moved across his tongue. I grinned at him and repeated the process with each of the boys, laughing when Paul chased after my mouth. They began chanting my name softly and I smiled and tipped the bottle back, taking a long drink from the bottle, causing them to applaud. I passed the bottle back to David, laying back on the bed, exhaustion finally hitting me after so busy a night with my new lovers. I pulled him and Dwayne down next to me, Marko wrapping himself around my legs and using my thighs as a pillow. Paul contented himself by laying as he had earlier in the evening, with his face placed on my palm, kissing it gently once in a while as we all began to doze.

I knew that dawn wasn't far off, with the blood already hitting my system, I could feel it's pull to sleep. "Good rest, my loves," I said quietly. I felt Dwayne and David hold me closer. "Rest well, Princess," David replied, his thumb gently caressing my cheek as sleep took me into it's dark embrace.

When I awoke, I knew that I was changed. My eyesight was different, even in the darkness, I could see. Probably not as well as the boys could, as I was only a halfling-vampire. But I could clearly see everything in the room, including the boys who were not awake yet. Their breathing was still deep and steady, they still slept. I laid there, comfortably warm in their embrace as I listened, picking up the sounds of Laddie and Star in the front of the cave. I wondered briefly how Lucy was taking my disappearance. I hoped she wasn't too angry with me. I would have to come up with some kind of story to explain it. Perhaps tell her I had stayed with Star and had gotten ill after eating something. My brain went to work on coming up with a story and I didn't notice immediately that David's eyes were now open and upon me.

"Good evening, Princess," he rasped out and my eyes were instantly on him and I smiled.

"Hello there, handsome," I replied, making him smirk. He slid his hand behind my neck, rubbing it as he pulled me forward to his lips. With a softly murmured, "yes,", his tongue was toying with mine. "Oh good, you're awake!" a very loud Paul shouted, making me wince and David glare.

"And there goes the peace and quiet of a sleeping Paul," I said, teasing him. "Hey, you know you love me," he said. I laughed. "Never disputed that fact, just said that you're loud," I replied. He laughed and yanked me from David's grasp, kissing me soundly as I smacked him lightly on the chest. "Silly man," I said.

"So, what are we doing tonight, my loves?" I asked.

"We are taking you somewhere special," David said, a gleam in his eye. I wondered if this would be the night they showed me their true selves. I smiled.

"Sounds fantastic, but we need to stop by and let my Mom know I'm still alive. I was thinking we could tell her that I'd been hanging out with Star and got sick," I said. David nodded, "Probably a better idea than telling her you were here, engaging in sexual congress with us," he said, smirking. Dwayne chuckled. "Sexual congress?" Dwayne asked raising an eyebrow. David smirked again and nodded, "Sounds better than, 'hey ma, I had a five-some with my four lovers,' doesn't it?"

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