Chapter One

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Balem was annoyed. He had been called out of a meeting with his closest advisors by his siblings for a supposedly urgent message. Knowing that it was by no means to be an exchange of pleasantries, he couldn't help but wonder what it was they wanted this time. They couldn't have chosen a worse time, managing whole planets full of people was no easy job. Especially as they were no where near as developed as his own race. It was easier to see them as something less than human if he thought about it like that. Much like cattle they were bred simply to be killed and put to other uses. If he saw it as anything different, he couldn't be sure of what he would do.

He always said that his mother understood him more than anyone. For the most part it was true, but lately it hadn't been a good thing. Lady Abrasax had grown soft in her old age, and Balem found it hard not to see the harvest in the same way. Sure, it was a vital part of their lifestyle, but it didn't mean it was right. Balem was expected to be cruel and concise, everything his mother had been to the public. The house of Abrasax would never show mercy and neither would he. As much as he despised the role he had been forced into, as time went on the more natural it felt. At times his temper seemed to be just as bad when he was alone as it was around other people. The compassion he had once felt for other was slowly draining away. Perhaps why that was why he had grown to hate himself more and more over time.

Sometimes he couldn't help but find his siblings sickening, though it was mostly Titus. His brother stood with two scantily clad women plastered to his side. Running his hand over his chest and every so slowly inching down words. Titus's lip curled up, a smug smirk spreading across his face as his saw his brother.
"It's been too long brother." He drawled, his voice like silk. Stepping forward away from his two companions, he gave a mock bow. Balem scowled slightly, not at all amused by his brothers antics.
"Not long enough." Balem said shortly,"Where is Kalique? You said she would also be attending." A slow grin spread across Titus's face and the women moved to his side, resuming in their earlier movements.
"I lied," Titus paused to gauge his brothers reactions. His face tightened much as Titus suspected it would, he was so very like their mother. Balem wasn't sure what his brother wanted, but whatever it was he was sure that he didn't want to be involved. His brother was a chronic liar, often using it to get exactly what he wanted. He seemed so sweet, so charming, until he cheated you out of all your money that was. Balem knew better than to trust him, too many times he had been screwed over by his brother. "Why don't we continue this conversation in my office. I have many matters to attend to, this meeting was a bit last moment you see."
"Why don't you just tell me what you want, so that we can both get on with our work them?" Balem asked, his whispery voice barely audible. Glancing warily around him, he surveyed all the exits in case Titus tried to pull something on him.
"Don't you miss me brother, some familial bonding is much needed. Especially after what happened to mothe-" Balem hissed and lunged forward, shoving his brother into a wall. The women at his side scattered, watching the brothers.
"Don't use her as an excuse." He roared, shaking with rage. Releasing Titus, he took several deep breaths to calm himself. He couldn't afford to let his emotions to control his like this. With that thought in mind he carefully moulded his face back to its earlier emotionless state.
"Finish your business up with me, I have a meeting to return to." His voice returning to its normal whisper.
"What would you think of a business partnership, if we were to merge our companies we would be unstoppable. Even Kalique would fold beneath us, we could be brothers again."Titus's voice took on a pleading tone. It was obviously well practiced, had he not known his brother it would've been easy to fall for his tricks.
"What so you could steal my inheritance along with company from right under me? I'm not the fool you take me to be." Titus frowned at Balem's response, a wounded look crossing his face. Like moths to a flame, the women returned to him attempting to comfort him in whatever way possible.
"Why do you think so lowly of me, brother. We used to be so close, I simply wanted to renew our bonds." Balem raised a delicate eyebrow, not believing a word his brother said. They had never been close. His younger brother had always prefered the company of their sister, finding Balem to be rather boring. While they acknowledged that Balem was family, there was no deeper bond.
"Don't lie to me. I'm not one of your pawns. You cannot control my actions and I will not be so easily swayed by your charms." His brothers ways sickened him. He wrapped people around his finger and used them to fulfil his whims and disposed of them as soon as he was done. The girls at his arm would probably be gone within a week, replaced with another pair of naive women who thought they actually meant something. Balem was by no means a saint either, he was cruel and had a temper that could rival that of his mothers. He had a dark side that he couldn't control, no matter how badly he wanted too. He was honest however, even too honest at times. Perhaps difference in their moral beliefs was the cause of the tension between the brothers.
"Very well than, it was worth a shot. " Titus grinned, "Did I put on a good show?" He asked, his smile fading slightly as he saw his brother face. Balem's jaw tightened and he fought keep his annoyance off of his face.
"As always." He rolled his eyes, "Now what did you really call me here for?" Balem asked, his voice faint.Titus shifted slightly and glanced up at his brothers face. Losing the playful smile, Titus stepped away from his lovers.
"She's back," Titus watched his brothers reaction carefully, knowing that the knowledge could very well set him off. "And I think we've located her." Heart racing Balem turned and left. This wasn't right, she was supposed to be dead. He had worked so hard to loosen her influence on his and his life. All of his work would be ripped to shreds. Barely able to keep himself calm, he repeated one phase in his head over and over. I will not show emotions, not anymore, not ever again.
So what do you people think so far, good? Bad? If you'd like to be in my story please comment below or even if you just want to say hi :) thanks for reading please vote and comment

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