Chapter 4

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Balem sighed resting his head on his hands. He was bored. Sick and tired of never ending meetings and political arrangements. Of course all this came with his an endless list of other responsibilities. Running a planet was a lot more work than it was worth. Things would be so much easier if he could harvest the planet and just be done with it. He couldn't though, it was his last connection with his mother. It was his reminder of the women she once was and of the things she treasured. Earth had always been her favorite, something about it put it apart from the countless others. Earth's majestic mountains and deep oceans did had have a certain charm, he had to admit. All the same it had more uses than its physical appeal, a more lasting effect.

The man before Balem cleared his throat loudly, shaking Balem out of his thoughts. Blinking slowly Balem noticed several papers the man had extended towards him. Quickly grabbing them, he flicked through the pages and scanned the content. Nothing particularly bad popped out and he plucked a pen from his desk. Leaning over for a better angle, he penned his signature.

"Is there anymore you need? Or is there something else you'd like to discus?" Balem looked up, pushing the papers back towards his new business partner. One easy way to expand his company was to simply absorb any all all competition. With the exception of his siblings that was exactly what he did. The business man paused, looking tempted to ask for more. After several moments of indecision he shook his head. "It was a pleasure." Balems murmured quietly, signaling an assistant by the door. The assistant hurriedly opened the door and escorted the business man by the door.

Balem slumped onto his desk, feeling emotionally drained. To the public eye he was perfect, not because he was seemingly kind and charismatic like his siblings, but because he was real. Sure, he was cold and calculating, even cruel at times, but he didn't try to hide who he was. He would make no mistakes, he would not show weakness and more than anything he could never allow his emotions to control him.

Gathering himself, he sat up and returned to his large stack of paperwork. Groaning quietly to himself he uncapped his pen and threw himself into his work. He was interrupted however by a loud knock on his door. Pausing mid signature he recapped his pen and made himself more presentable.

"Enter," He said, his whispery voice barely audible. Somehow they had heard him and the door creaked open. His sister stepped through the door, and gently closed it after her. "What is it you need, sister?" He questioned quietly, leaning back into his chair. Kalique sat across for his desk and watched him for a moment.

"I heard from Titus the other day," She said carefully, gauging his reaction. Like always he didn't show much emotion, but he seemed almost intrigued. "He said she was back, is it true?" Kalique asked, almost dreading the answer. Balem frowned and leaned forward across his desk.

"It doesn't involve you," He hissed, his voice deadly calm. "She isn't who she used to be, everything's different now." He frowned, returning to his earlier relaxed position. Kalique sighed, and clasped her hands on her lap.

"You need to let go, emotions aren't a bad thing. You just need to accept what happened, and move on with-"

"I don't need your lectures" Balem interrupted, his voice a low growl. Kalique sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"I was close to her too, you know." She murmured, leaning forward to lay a hand on her brothers arm. He flinched slightly at her touch, but made no move to remove her hand. "You need to understand that what happened wasn't your fault. You don't need to blame yourself and your emotions for what happened." Balem clenched his jaw and shut his eyes tightly, fighting back memories. "Just remember her for the good things." She soothed, her voice a gentle lull inside his head. Just for a moment he let himself slip and the memories came flooding in.

Sunshine shone brightly through the windows of his mother villa. Even now after hundreds of years, he couldn't bring himself to leave his mother. He told himself that it was because she would be lonely without him. Be that as it may however, even he knew that he was the problem. He was still unable to face the world without her by his side, he was too weak. Still, it was nice. It was a seaside house built by a lesser species, a bit plain but to him it was home. The only place where he had ever belonged.

Letting out a contented sigh he leaned back in his couch. His book was cradled in his arms, long forgotten in favor of the window view. One would think that eventually the view would grow old, but Balem never did. The ocean was like a living creature, unpredictable but beautiful. You could never tell what each day would bring. It was true beauty, something about this planet that had never been replicated. With a warm summer breeze drifting through the open balcony and sunlight warming his body, he slowly drifted off.

The sound of voices from outside his room woke him. He ran a hand through his hair, and smoothed it down. Yawning slightly he walked to the door and opened it. Just down the hall his mother stood with three others. An ambassador from another planet and his family no doubt. He turned to return to his room when another figure caught his eye. Several feet away from the rest of the group admiring a painting was a girl. She had wavy red hair that flowed down to her waist, and a tall slender figure. She wore a long blue dress, with sleeves extended past her fingertips. As if sensing his gaze upon her, she turned. Her face was even more beautiful than the rest of her, with high cheek bone and deep blue eyes. Her pale skin was dusted with freckles and pale pink lips completed the look.

She glanced back at the others for a brief moment before turning and walking towards Balem. Raising an eyebrow at her approach he leaned against the door frame. She smiled and offered him a small curtsey before offering him her hand.

"Hello, I'm Selene. You must be Balem." Taking her hand and nodded. She flashed him a brighter grin, "Now I don't know about you but all this political talk sickens me. Would you accompany me on a walk around the gardens?"

Snapping back into reality, Balem remained impassive. refusing to show any sort of weakness to his sister. He refused to think of her anymore. Overtime she had broken his barriers, as well as his heart. He couldn't afford to think of such emotions, for fear they would surface.

"Was that the whole purpose of your visit?" He questioned his sister, in an attempt to be rid of her sooner. He seemed to be saying that a lot lately, nothing seemed to have much meaning. Things he once took pleasure in began to bore him, eternity was a long time to suffer alone. She nodded and stood.

"You're right not to let your emotions control you, but you need them in order to live. Promise me that you'll try. I don't want to watch you waste away."

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