Chapter 6

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It was a relatively peaceful day and yet Balem already had a headache. One of his lesser planets was set to be harvested tomorrow, but the demand for RegenX was more that it would provide. His only other option was to do a partial harvest of another planet. It was a pain and involved much more care and of course memories would have to be wiped. It wasn't the first time though, many times they would push it off as a major genocide by another country or government. The only country with a population to survive this without outside help was Earth however and that would be a problem.

Even before Abrasax Industries had seeded the planet, it had been a favorite of his mothers. She had built a private villa, overlooking a large ocean and had lived there for many years. Something about it's beauty had captured her and over time even the reptilian beasts had captured her heart. When the planet had captured the public's attention however she knew what she'd have to do. Making sure to protect her home and the area around it she disposed of all the creatures, except for a select few, inhabiting the planet and placed two humans, male and female, there.

She still visited the planet frequently and was known to retreat there when she couldn't take the stress. Balem often joined her, it was difficult for him to admit it but the small planet had a certain charm. It was nowhere near his own though, his planet may not have been conventionally beautiful but instead it was industrial. Which of course had it's own beauty, the metal structures scattered across the planet and it's reddish haze were exactly what made it home.

While she didn't live long past the colonization of the planet, it was her pride and joy. Balem couldn't bring himself to abandon it. He knew that someday it would be harvested and left a barren wasteland, but for now it was precious. It was his last connection to his mother and his greatest potential for overtaking his siblings business ventures. They alone were his greatest competition and soon he would finally achieve his goal.

The harvest would have to wait, he wasn't ready to harvest from Earth, even if it was only a small part. He would give it a few months a most. His clients would have to wait, a few grey hairs wouldn't kill them he supposed. They might disagree, he would probably lose a few of his less dedicated clients to one of his siblings. But he could afford the loss, after all- His thoughts were interrupted by a pounding on the door.

Before he could say anything, the doors burst open and a short man burst through. He was panting slightly and hunched over once in his office. Balem stared at him in disgust, what gave him the right to burst in without invitation? He reclined his his seat, watching the man as he recovered. Several seconds later the man stood and remembering whose presence he was in, he bowed deeply.

"It's Titus, I think he's found her. One of his men made contact." He wheezed, hastily pulled a piece of crumpled paper from his pocket. Balem snached it from his hand and scanned it, his face reddening in rage the further he got. It was a transmission that his men had intercepted. seemed that she was in a small American town. Or who they believed to be her at least, they hadn't gotten genetic proof yet. Dismissing the man he sat, the paper now clenched it his hand. It had been so long since he had last seen her, he could only imagine the effect her return would have on him. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to slip into his memories again.

The setting sun illuminated his mothers gardens. She sat before him, lounging next to one of the fountains. He watched silently, unsure of what to say. It had been a while since someone his own age had actually wanted to talk to him. She leaned forward dipping her hand in the water before flicking it at him. Jumping back in surprise he tumbled off of his seat and landed on the ground. She laughed and jogged over to him before extending a hand to help him up.

Brushing it off he stood on his own, his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.

Sitting back down beside him she watched the sunset, content with the silence. Together they sat as the sun set and stars began appearing in the sky. The moon slowly rose and they remained in a comfortable silence, neither feeling the need to talk. Finally a faint call could be heard over the crickets chirping, calling them in for supper. Standing first Balem offered a hand to her. Watching it for several seconds she accepted it and allowed him to help her to her feet.

They walked at a slow pace as the returned, savoring their last seconds of freedom. As they reached the door she released his hand and strode inside. Navigating through the hall they soon reached the dining hall and joined their families at the table.

"What took you so long?" Seraphi questioned, Balem frowned slightly and opened his mouth to speak. Selene however beat him and began her explanation.

"I felt that my presence wasn't needed earlier and made my own ventures. Balem and I spent the afternoon the in gardens." Turning towards her parents she spoke again, "You always said I'd need connections someday." Returning to her food silence fell over the table momentarily. Until her brother struck up a conversation with the others at the table.

Once dinner finished the two families said their goodbyes. Balem and Selene stood to the side, slightly awkward. He was silent, still unsure as of what to say.

"I hope we get to speak again sometime." She said softly, catching his attention. "Maybe I'll have to escape some other political meeting sometime." She gave him a soft smile and pulled him into a hug, shocking him at her forwardness. "I've always been a hugger." She said sheepishly, seeing the look on his face.

"I hope that you fare well until our next meeting." He said simply, giving her a small wave. She nodded and returned to her family.

Returning to reality Balem scowled and paced his quarters. Titus was so close to locating her and he had no clue where to start. It was his own domain but he couldn't find a simple girl, and yet Titus and his small group of splice trackers had nearly found her. He couldn't allow him to get to her first, otherwise Titus would get the upperhand. His brother was no doubt a master manipulator and often made himself out to be the good guy, simply to get what he wanted. He held much value in material pleasures and possessions. He was unused to being denied, for years he's had his every whim fulfilled either by himself or others. Balem could only imagine the temper tantrum that would ensue if he were to lose. Perhaps his brother had matured though, it had been years since he had joined him for even a simple dinner. Many times simple conversations would lead to full blown fights and Balem prefered to avoid it when at all possible.

He slammed his fist down on his desk with a scowl, he would not be second! He turned towards his advisor, "I want her found." He hissed, he would not lose. Not to his brother, not again.


So, it's been a while...I've hit a bump and have no clue where to take this. I wanted to ask those of you who actually read these things what you think I should do. Also how many of you actually want her to end up with Balem, or should she end up with T

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