An Introduction

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Izuku and I both woke up. I was going to pretend to be sick. I was going to leave him alone. This is what I had to do.

"Thanks for letting my stay with you, Chi." He said.

"Don't worry about it." I said. I tried to make myself sound sick.

"You don't sound great, are you okay?" It was working!

"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm fine, just... a bit sick." I said and coughed a little.

"You should stay here today. I'll explain it to Aizawa." He said.

"Thanks, Izu." I said and smiled. He left my room to get ready for school. He brought me tea and said goodbye. I waited for everyone to be out of sight before I started making my room look like I had gotten kidnapped. I let Shigaraki know he could come for me. I had been able to sneak my costume back to my dorm the day before. I said I was going to patch a hole in it. I put it on and teleported to the gates. I was there before Shigaraki. 

"You Midoriya?" He asked. I nodded slightly. "Good. Come with me." I followed him through a black and purple portal. We walked out into a bar. My hood was covering my face. No one would know who I was. That is, unless Shigaraki told them.

"Wow, that was fast!" A girl's voice said. 

"Why are they so small?" A raspy voice said. I didn't lift my head at all. I wasn't going to talk until I had to.

"Why do you care?" Shigaraki asked in an annoyed tone. 

"Well who is it?" The girl's voice asked.

"Master's kid." He responded.

"WHOA! THAT'S ALL FOR ONE'S KID?!?!?! This will be a complete disaster." 2 voices said. They almost flowed into each other. I didn't move. I didn't make a sound.

"Not talkin' huh?" Someone said threateningly. I still didn't move. "Answer me when I talk to you." They said and came at me. His hand covered in blue flames. He went to grab me but I moved out of they way.

"Don't tell me what to do." I said. I stuck my hand out and closed it into a fist. He started gasping for air. Someone came up behind me to grab me. I put up a force field. They flew back. "I wouldn't." I let the tall 1 who had tried to burn me go. 

"You're... you're insane!" He said. He was hunched over gasping for breath.

"Consider that a warning for all of you. I don't need to answer to any of you. I could kill you all right here, right now. It wouldn't be hard." I said. They were all taken back. I walked into a corner and looked down.

"You can't just let them stay here! They tried to kill Dabi!" A voice I hadn't heard before said.

"It's Master's kid. They could be useful to us. Besides, he going to call us soon." My head shot up when Shigaraki said that. I was going to have to hear his voice. I hadn't seen or heard him in 13 years. After a few minutes of waiting, the computer screen came on. It was purple and said 'AUDIO ONLY.' I put my head down and stayed silent. 

"Hello, Tomura Shigaraki. I see you have a new recruit." He said. I tried not to cringe at his voice.

"Yes, in fact it's someone you know." He said looked at me. I looked the other way.

"Oh? And who would that be?" He asked.

"Like you can't tell." I said and pulled my hood and eye patch off.

"Machigai? You're still alive." He said.

"No thanks to you." I said, walking toward the computer. I was hunched over trying not to scream.

"You were supposed to die." He said. "Tomura, why did you choose this one?"

"I-I-I just thought that we needed someone with such a powerful quirk." He stammered and looked down.

"Machigai doesn't have a quirk." He said in an accusing tone.

"How would you know? You left when I was 2." I said. My quirk did develop early, yes, but not that early!

"Any child of mine would have been born with a quirk if it was going to have 1." He said. Most quirks would start showing themselves when they were around 5. Mine manifested when I was 3 and a half.

"That's not how it works!" I yelled at him. I pulled my hood back over my face. "Izuku doesn't have a natural quirk. I do. Get it through your skull. I HATE you. I WILL end you."

"Threatening me, are you?" He asked in a condescending way.

"I don't make threats, I make promises." I said. A hand quickly covered my mouth. I started thrashing.

"Thank you, Kurogiri." He said. I felt a needle go into my arm. I was dragged into a room. 

"I'm sorry, Machigai Midoriya. I will come back later for you." The one called Kurogiri said and left the room. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I tried to scream, but I could only muster a quiet hiss. I was laying on the cold concrete floor, hissing for about an hour. Like he said, Kurogiri came back, only Shigaraki was with him. I tried to look at them, but they were behind me. I started hissing at them. I felt another needle go into my arm, and  I immediately kicked Kurogiri with all the strength I could muster. He hit the wall and passed out. 

"Why are YOU here?" I asked looking directly at Shigaraki.

"I was going to let you out. Now I'm thinking you should stay here." He said. Even behind the hand on his face, I could see he was annoyed. I teleported behind him and opened the door. I walked  out and closed the door.

"Maybe you should stay in there." I said and locked the door. I could here him yelling at me as I walked away.

"So he let you out?" One of them said.

"More or less." I mumbled. I sat in a corner alone. The one I almost choked out sat next to me. I didn't look at him.

"So Shigaraki wanted you here?" He said. I didn't move of say anything. "Not talking, huh?" He said.

"I don't talk to people who annoy me. Plus, I don't know who you are." I responded.

"Name's Dabi. Now you know who I am." He said smugly.

"Congratulations, you have annoyed me more." I said and walked away. I heard someone running up behind me. I stepped to the side and saw a blond girl run by me. 

"You're All For One's kid right? I'm Himiko Toga! You look so cute! Can I see your blood?" She said in a about 3 seconds.

"Depends, can I take all of yours first?" I said.

"Yeah- wait... HEY! Ugh. Tomura was right about you." She said. She glared at me and walked away. I laughed silently. I wasn't here to make friends.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?!?!!? Do it again." Some one in a black and white jumpsuit and mask asked running at me. It sounded like he had talked in 2 different voices.

"Shut up, Twice." A guy who looked like an edgy ninja turtle said and tripped him. Twice fell and I laughed at him. The lizard guy looked at me.

"Thanks?" I said.  He looked away from me.

"Yeah, whatever." He said. Twice glared at us and walked away. "What do they call you? Like, what's your alias?" He asked. Izu and I had discussed this before, so I had the name in mind.

"Paralysis." I responded. He looked over at me.

"Why?" He asked. He sounded intrigued. 

"I don't have to tell you anything." I said. I wasn't about to explain my quirk to some random guy I just met.

He scoffed and said, "I'm Spinner." and he walked away. 

I looked around the room at the pure chaos in front of me. I was starting to like this place.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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